Chapter 2

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The night passed and the new day arrived. Breakfast was as usual, a bowl of Just Right and a slice of toast with Mulberry Jam. Mulberry Jam, mmhmm...

Back on topic, I was getting ready for the 'meeting' with Brianna, I got dressed into a pair of dark navy blue Mish-Mash jeans and a long-sleeved shirt. Not just any shirt, this shirt was my favourite! It was tight around the chest and stomach but baggy on the arms and the colour of it was white. My hair was in a messy bun, as always, and I only had mascara on. I'm not a fan of makeup, never was, never will.

I hopped in my car ready to leave when I hear a tapping sound on my window, when I looked up it was Lucy with puppy eyes. I already knew what she wanted, Jade wasn't here and I was going out.

She wanted to come with.

I wound down my window and Lucia stood back,

"You're not coming"

"Why not??" That whine pisses me off.

"Because I am having private time with Brianna"

"Your always with Brianna and not me"

"Next time I'll bring you with me or will go out somewhere" I was know putting my sunnies on, trying to ignore her.

"Yay Yay Yay"

"Ok, of you go", in big sister language that means piss off, I don't want you here "goodbye I love you"

"I love you more" Lucy leaned in and kissed me

I wound the window up and drove out of the drive way.

Blacktown was only 20 mins away, so by the time I would've got there it should've been 11:30 but no, when does anything go as planned. I was there an hour late, luckily I had a good enough parking spot.



"Heyy, where are you??" She did not sound ok, must be bad news

"I just arrived, I'm on level 4 near the carpark" I look around to see if I can find her... And there she is right next to me looking like she's about to burst into tears.

"What's the matter??" I placed my hand on her back and guided her to the sushi train. We always go to the sushi train, it's just a tradition I guess?

As we walked inside and sat in the corner of the restaurant were not many people could see, she blurted it out,

"HE BROKE UP WITH ME!!" This was a disappointing statement to me, I thought someone died or she found out she got cancer?! But no, relationship problems, that's why I'm never in a relationship!

I'm her best friend so I'm going to have to put up with it...

"What?? When did this happen??" One of dishes of sushi caught my eye but I knew, friends first, listen to her problem and then eat.

"It all happened last night, he was texting me" I don't think I told you the background with Brianna and boys, she's gone out with like 6 different guys, who wouldn't when you've got her look?! She's tall, tanned and brunette with caramel streaks. Her eyes run with the theme of her body being a light brown. Seriously out of all best friends, I am the one:)

She continued her story,

"He said something about me cheating on him and how I would do that and I'm a dirty whore."

"Cheating on him with who??"

"Patfydsgg" she started mumbling

"You need to speak up Bree!"

"Patrick fudacju"

"Patrick WHO???"


OMG, Brianna has had a huge crush on him ever since the second month of dating her last boyfriend.

"Are you serious?? Brianna.. Far out women!" Now I was pissed at her "You deserved that breakup"

I had nothing else to say, and that plate of sushi I was interested on before was coming around and I wasn't missing the chance.

I knew she hooked up with him, I know she snogged all over Patrick and she did cheat in her last boyfriend.

I see her reaching out for a plate as well, she's stopped crying and was smashing her face with food. Everything's pretty much better.

After the sushi we walked it off, we went all over the enter mall. Literally, that's what we do!

My phone started pinging in my hand, it was mum,

"Heya, what's up??"

"Come home right now and clean this dirty room!!" Yep that's my mum, I'm 19 and she's still telling me to clean my room. See most people blame it on me for having the messy room but I blame it on my mother for having OCD and needing everything clean and spotless.

"Alright packing up now, bye"


Brianna knew this was bye for us two as well, so we both walked up to level 4 and said our goodbyes.

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