We're in for a Long Year

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It was near midnight when the four teenagers reached the manor, which just had to be miles away from Hogwarts. The cold air really wasn't a good factor for his already shit lungs— how was it so hard to breathe in cold, 160km/h winds? Harry would never know.

The group landed just shy off of the garden, and quickly placed their broomsticks in the Quidditch shed Ron, Hermione, and Draco had built over the summer. Tom had decided to follow a regular school schedule, so they didn't do any work over the summer. Although, if Harry said that he didn't learn over the summer, he wasn't telling the truth- as if Tom would let him go two months without learning anything. Harry wasn't complaining.

No need to ask about Hermione. During August, Harry had caught Hermione in the library, her nose drowning in three books at once. When Harry had asked her what she was doing, she didn't even glance up before she told him that she had made herself a personal test on the past several books she had read over the summer, and was reviewing. The books weren't small, either. It honestly scared him.

Harry, Ron and the twins were chatting amiably when they finally said goodbye and split off into different wings of the Manor. Well, Harry did- while Harry was in the South Wing, his friends were in the East Wing. 'Thank Merlin,' Harry chuckled to himself. 'Neville might faint if he heard me and Tom.'

When Harry opened the door to his and Tom's room, he noticed that the lights were dimmed and the room smelled of vanilla, which was a pleasant yet strange scent- although it was probably only a strange scent because Harry had no idea they had vanilla candles.

"Tom?" Harry called out, opening the door to its full extent. That was when he saw Tom, wearing dress pants and a dress top, with only two buttons done up. The man was twiddling a beautiful red rose between his fingers.

"Hello, darling," Tom said sensually, making Harry's knees go weak. "Come here."

Harry immediately gravitated towards the bed that Tom was laying on, and once he got close enough, Tom pulled him onto his lap. "How was the task, my sweet?"

The younger boy smiled slyly before he leaned in and kissed the other passionately, who quite happily reciprocated. "Wonderful," Harry responded after they pulled apart.

"And did you like being in the action?" Tom questioned, kissing the side of Harry's neck.

Harry groaned slightly and rolled his hips. "A little adrenaline is good for the brain, Tom," he informed, "can you help me become more intelligent?"

The rose laid next to Harry's head all night long.


September 11th, 1992.

Harry was woken up early in the morning by sunlight streaming through the windows. Smiling slightly, he turned around to give his sleeping soulmate a light kiss on the nose, and although the other smiled in his sleep, he did not wake. 'Today is going to be a good day,' Harry thought, snuggling deeper into the covers and Tom's arms.

Once Tom woke up, they summoned Dobby and requested eggs and bacon, a simple yet classy meal that the House Elves somehow elevated to five stars every time. They both, unfortunately, had to spend ten minutes calming Dobby down after they praised the food.

After a very peaceful morning, Tom had to make his way down to his office, where he was working on another way to infiltrate Hogwarts, seeing as Dumbledore would probably notice the random smoke if they were to continue.

"My door is always open for you once you finish Charms today," Tom said, opening the door and looking behind at Harry, who was trying (and failing) to brush his hair. "You know I always welcome your help."

Harry laughed. "Just go and do your Dark Lord business, Tom. I'll be down there at twenty to, okay?"

They said their goodbyes, and Tom left for his mathematical sequences and magical theories. Meanwhile, Harry was procrastinating leaving for his lesson. Today would be their first Charms class of the year, because apparently the old Charms tutor had severely pissed Tom off, and... Well, the old Charms tutor was not a choice anymore.

The teenager put his shoes on and made his way down to the training area, where some classes were performed. Classes such as Charms, Dark Arts, and Defence against the Dark Arts were practiced in the training room because of something were to go wrong, the training room was huge and it's severely hard to damage stone and steel. Potions was situated in a room near the kitchens, because there was easy access to water, and Transfiguration was situated in a huge storage unit so that they have many things to Transfigure.

When Harry reached the training area, he made sure his mask was on securely and correctly, before opening the big oval door. First, he noticed that he was the last person to arrive. Secondly, he noticed that he already knew the Charms tutor.

'Isn't that the man from the masquerade?' Harry thought, recognizing the thin stance and curly blond hair of the man. 'I thought I made his life terrible and made sure he never left his room. Shit.'

He soon also noticed that the only other seat in the room was in the front, next to Draco. Quickly, he made his way over to his blond friend. "This guy's an asshole," Harry immediately signed over to his friend, who looked at him confused.

"You have already met him?" Draco asked. "According to Father, he knows a ton about all magic areas, but we needed Charms, so here he is. Personally, I think that's a load of rubbish."

"If his teaching skills are anything like his magical skills," Harry remarked, letting out a deep sigh and sank into his seat, "then we're in for a long year."

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