Tagged #1

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Alright before I do this here's a small explanation. This will just be things I'm tagged in, like questions and challenges, though sometimes idfk why I'm tagged .-. :p

Tagged by Zeddlocket

(1) GenderI may have the body of a woman but I am a man

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(1) Gender
I may have the body of a woman but I am a man.

(2) Sexuality

(3) Weight
163 lbs I believe.

(4) Height
5'10" (according to my last doctors visit so idfk could be wrong)

(5) Biggest insecurity
I dunno I have a lot of those. Hard to pick one.

(6) Are you the jealous type?
What's mine is mine and I don't share.

(7) On a scale of 1-10 how much would you rate yourself?
Depends on the day. I'm definitely an 11 today.

(8) Lock Screen?

(8) Lock Screen?

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My toxic babies

(9) Home Screen?

(9) Home Screen?

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(10) Last Photo Downloaded?

(11) Favorite line/quote?'I'm always running away from someone or something

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(11) Favorite line/quote?
'I'm always running away from someone or something. But I've never gotten anywhere.'
~Author Unknown~
{I have a lot of favorite quotes but that one is the most important to me right now}

(12) Favorite Book?
I don't have a favorite book. I just really love books as a whole lol

(13) Describe your current mood?
Well it's been a shitty day. I really have to piss but I wanna get this done. Kinda cranky with a touch of 'I wanna die' but that's my usual mood so *shrugs* what can ya do, ya know?

(14) Last time you laughed/smiled?
Probably five minutes ago when I was going through a convo I had with a really good friend from like two days ago

(15) Tag five people!!!
Lutz_2p (because the rules don't say I can't tag my other account from like eighth grade to fill in space MUAHAHAHA) {DO NOT LOOK THIS ACCOUNT UP IT IS FULL OF ANGSTY SHIT I STG ITS ICKY I HAVENT BEEN ON IT IN LIKE A YEAR}

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