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It was a 30 story building. One side completely covered with glass, it was a complete marvel just to look at from the outside. It was sunset time and it was one of the most beautiful ones ever seen. This might have been a great moment for the people inside the building to enjoy the fantastic view. But the employee's of Valerien Incorps had some other duties to fulfil. A lot of people have hardships and pains. Some might be in public eyes, whilst some extremely personal. But for the Employee's in this company, right now there was only on common hardship. Their problem was their boss, Athena Valerien..

    She was quite cold most of the times, but she wasn't rude or insulting. She just wanted her employees to do their jobs properly on time. Her employees didn't like her as much as they liked her dad, who was much more of a calm and free person. But they kind of felt her pain too. Owning and handling such a big brand only when you are 23 years old can be quite stressful. Most people can't even handle their relationships at this age, forget a multi- million making company.

         Handling one of the worlds most branded and expensive acceceries and clothing brands was not the only asset she had. She was also a really gorgeous women. She had long, beautiful light brown curls of her soft hair. Her eyes were a perfect blend of green and blue which could easily make her seem like one of the prettiest women one has ever seen. That was one of the main reasons she was often compared to the Greek goddess who she shared her name with. The establishment was originally owned by her father, Wyatt Valerien. Being the only child of his, Athena inherited the company with no problem.

        She was the reputed Ceo of the company, but that was about the only things most people knew about her. Most of her private life had been kept a secret. There was one fact that most people knew though, it was about her mother. Her mother was a famous actress, but due to some problems, Athena's parents split up.

     In the huge hall where quite a few people were held, there was tension filled in the atmosphere. Some of the people's faces were even paled up like a ghost. The head of the corporation, the women who had gotten everyone in a knot, was sitting on a chair with her thumb and forefinger pinching her forehead. Her co- workers knew that it meant she was really angry. Some of the managers tried to give suggestions, despirately trying to get out of any trouble.

     Amidst all this commotion, the hand of the fair young maiden made a fist. The fist hit the table they were sharing with quite some force. By doing that one thing, the entire hall became silent. Not a single person dared to talk. The Ceo stood up, ordered everyone to go back home. It was quite default, in her nature, to feel like more the people, more the burden. All the people hesitated, but obeyed her. After all of her sub- ordinates were gone, there were only 2 people left behind. The second person was also a women. She had soft features and had short, wavy champagne blond hair. She was quite a peculiar, one of a kind.

       Out of all her her fellow workers, Athena could trust the blonde head the most. That Was one of the reasons why she stayed Athena's manager for almost more than 5 years. "I simply knew that they were going to mess up" The boss said to her Secretary. "Oh come on Athena, we already have the backup plan, why did you have to stir up such a fuss for that?" The manger replied. Out of all the staff in the company, she was the only one who was bold enough to speak to Athena in that way. "I Know Cass, but couldn't they have thought about it?" Athena shot back.

      This wasn't the first time their company had come across some problems. But even though she was only just about 18 when she took over the company from her father, Athena always had a game plan in her head. This was applied on the biggest or smallest things in her life. For her, her life was a big game. A Game which only she could and had to win. But this thinking had to change someday right?

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