He had gone through this alone, this heartbreak and I hadn't been there to help him.

Oh great, I'm making myself feel worse.

He wrapped an arm around me and pulled me into his, planting a small kiss on my forehead. It felt good, to be wrapped in his arms, secured.... but this was usually Max's arms. We would cuddle and watch a movie, everything here reminded me of him.

I pushed myself from the catch and he studied me, "did I make you feel uncomfortable?" He asked, the concern in his voice made my heart flutter. He was probably the best friend a girl could ask for and for me to treat him like I used to made me sick.

"No, Zac, you didn't" I shook my head, "I just... need to start packing"

The concern went to confusion, "Packing?"

"Yes, packing" I walked around the couch and toward my room. I heard him run after me, "Packing for what?"


"Moving? This is your apartment"

"This was my apartment. Our apartment"

"He's the one who cheated, he's the one who hurt you. You kick him out, Hollie!" He seemed shocked at what I was doing. I turned back to him, and just glared.

"How can I kick him out? Kick him out then sell this place? What is the point of that?"

"Sell it?"

"Zac, I work two jobs and even then I don't get a lot of money. I've lost one of those jobs now. I can't afford to keep this house alone with such a low paying job"

"You can"

"No, Zac. I can't. Not all of us were born into a wealthy family and given a whole company to us! Some of us had to work our ass off to get our jobs"

"You think running a company is easy? I can guarantee it is much harder than yours"

"Okay, well good for you. Since it's so hard, go do that right now. You can't waste time" I slammed the door on his face, once again over-reacting. Everything just made me mad right now, everything.

I was hurting badly and my only way to act was anger.

Crying out in anger as tears fell again, I ripped the covers off the bed and threw them to the ground, "DUMB MAX, DUMB MAX, DUMB!" I grabbed his clothed from the wardrobe and began throwing everything on the ground.

I picked up the alarm clock and smashed it against the wall. I needed to release my anger. My eyes landed on the TV and I ran over to it. I attempted to pick it up but in an instant there was a hand on mine, "don't"

My eyes flashed up to Zac.

"Don't, Hollie. What good will throwing an expensive television do?"

"He doesn't keep it!"

"So you keep it" He brought his thumb up and slid it across my cheek, stopping the tear that had been falling, "I'll pay for this place for you, it won't affect my income"

"I'm not some charity just because my boyfriend broke my heart. I don't need your money"

"I know you don't, but I want to help you. I don't want you to move out of this place because of a mistake he made"

A mistake...

My eyes flickered to Zac, "He made a mistake..."

"A big one"

"Everyone makes mistakes.... should I forgive him?"

"I mean, maybe in the long-run...."

"He wouldn't do it again. If he promises he won't do it ag-"

"No. No, no, no. You are seriously not thinking of getting back with him. Snap out of it, Hollie. He had sex with your boss, the one you despise. He lost you your job and now he's making you lose your apartment"

When he spoke the harsh truth I let out a frustrated grunt and tried to rip the television of the stand again, "I'll smash him open with this god damn thing!!"

He picked me up easily and I wiggled in Zac's arm furiously, "Put me down!!"

"Not until you promise not to break stuff because you're angry"

"I'll break you!! I'll kill you if you don't put me down"

"Oh, I'll break you baby"

My eyes widened and I stopped thrashing, only to look at him. He offered me a small smile, "That calmed you down. Now if I put you down, do you promise to behave?"

The scowl returned to my face, "fine"

He gently placed me back onto my feet, "good girl"

I walked over to the closet and began taking down my clothes, "Are you seriously moving out?"


"I'll give you the money, I don't care"

"I don't want your money. I don't want to be in this room, or this apartment" I began folding my clothes and putting them on the bed.

"Okay, then stay with me"

"Shut up" I sighed at his usual words. When I'd have a fight with Max when we first started dating, Zac would always say those words. Max heard him one day and of course flipped, I don't even think that's what started the war between those two.

"I'm not joking this time, well I wasn't joking anytime"


"Yeah, yeah. I just... why not? You have nowhere to go"

"I'll go to my parents"

"As much as I know Emma and Hailey would love you home, I don't think there's enough room. They moved to that small bungalow in the country when you moved in with Max"

I hesitated, "I'll just stay there until I get my own place"

"Which will be how long?"

"Can you stop about all this? Can I just take one problem at a time"

"No, because I'm helping you. I'll give you your own huge room, I won't bother you, I won't try anything. You know me, you know I won't" When he said that I turned back and cocked an eyebrow.

"Well... not with you now. I swear, I'll behave. I won't hurt you"

"Thank you for the offer" I could see that he was serious, "But I just want to be alone and not around... the male species for a while"

"That's not going to help"

"Why are you doing this? I wasn't there for you when you were hurting, I wasn't there for you for ages because of Max. I always blew you off-"

"I wish you blew me off"

"SERIOUSLY?" I sighed and he held up his hand, "Just... you treating me so kindly isn't making me feel any better. I don't know what I can give you back"

"Are you kidding me right now, Hollie?" He tugged me to face him, "You're my best friend since we met. I've always got your back, I don't care if you hate me, despise me, I will forever and always be here for you. I will drop anything I have going on, anyone I have going on just to be here for you. Do you understand?"

I felt my eyes water and for the first time today, it wasn't out of sadness. I stared at the man before me. Any girl would dream to have that sentence come from a man like Zac. Rich, handsome, good in bed and kind.

Even after I pushed him away non-stop he was here for me. My stomach turned over and I wrapped my arms around him, laying my head on his chest, "I'm so sorry for treating you like I did..."

He returned the gesture, "Love makes you do crazy things..."

I stayed silent just laying into him. It felt good. And for those moments, Max didn't exist. The pain didn't exist. Just lying into him, made me feel better.

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