"You look lovely in that outfit, you know." Ghirahim's words left you breathless.

Did... did he just call you lovely???

"Th-Thank you." You stammered after a minute, already noticing your face turning as red as the cape-like garment you were wearing. You didn't dare turn to look at him in that moment, but due to the reflection of the mirror you knew he could see you regardless, and he seemed to smirk briefly, much to your embarrassment.

"I might need to find something else to wear on top too, we're going to be riding in the back of Josh's truck so I don't want to get my clothes dirty." You tried to distract him from your blush.

 "... What's a... 'truck'?" Ghirahim asked quizzically, raising a brow at the word.

Oh, right, cars didn't exist back then.

You awkwardly pushed your hair back and sat him down on your bed, trying to think of the best way to start.

"Well, you know those minecarts that moved on their own on the surface? The ones from ancient times with those little robots?" 

Ghirahim nodded, listening intently.

"They're kind of like that, only bigger, and you can control wherever they go, left, right, backwards, forwards, and even in circles if you want to be crazy with it." You laughed a little, remembering the day Josh first got his truck, he did all kinds of crazy tricks and almost got his first ticket by that afternoon.

Ghirahim seemed curious about your laughter, but he simply nodded once more and smiled slightly.

"They have this compartment in the back similar to the minecarts in shape, it's usually outside so it gets dirty over time if it isn't regularly cleaned. And knowing Josh, he was probably scrambling all over the place just to get that done today." You laughed again, and surprisingly, Ghirahim actually snickered a bit.

"He seems like a lazy fellow."

You nodded this time, still laughing. "Very." 

You decided to tell him more about vehicles to pass the time, going on about all the details you could think of. In the middle of the conversation, Ghirahim decided he'd give you something soft to sit on once it came time to sit in the truck, so the small issue about getting your new outfit dirty didn't have to be worried about. You'd basically told him about every kind of vehicle that you knew when you heard a knock at the door.

"Who is it?" You called.

"Guess!" You heard a familiar girl's giddy voice call from behind the door.

"One minute." You rolled your eyes, a silly grin playing on your lips.

"That's... Marie, correct?" Ghirahim whispered.

You nodded, smiling.

You stood and walked over to the door, opening it to greet your friend. She was wearing a dress that had a mix of purple and black, and she was wearing a good bit of makeup too, which was normal for her since she loved to wear it for parties and such. She had dark highlights and purple eyeshadow, plus a bit too much eyeliner for your liking. Her hair had been straightened and swayed over her shoulders. She almost immediately reeled back in shock, her mouth agape as she took in your appearance.

"Oh my gosh, your outfit! You're gorgeous!!" She practically squealed.

You giggled a bit, trying not to blush.

"Thank you, you look great too!"

She peered behind you and her eyes widened but she giggled and waved over at Ghirahim.

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