"Yeah, that would be nice. I'll just let my mom and sister know. You can sit down in the living room if you want, make yourself at home."

"Okay, thanks.", she says and I head upstairs.

I go down the hallway, and stop at my older sister's room. I open the door slowly and find her sitting down on her bed using the laptop.

"Hey Andrea, using the laptop so early?"

My siblings' names, including mine, all start with an A. I guess it's a tradition that my mom started so I bet the new baby on its way will have a name with an A as well. It's weird, but cool, at the same time. We are all so different yet somehow similar.

"Hey Alexy, I'm just doing some online shopping. No better way to start off your day by spoiling yourself right?"

"True, anyways, want some pancakes? Dahlia came over and we are going to make some."

"No, I'm good. I ate a bowl of oatmeal mom made while you were in the shower."

"Wait mom is awake? I thought she was asleep."

"Yeah, she isn't here. After she ate, she went to go drop off some papers my dad forgot for work. She might be gone for an hour or so."

"Oh alright. Thanks for letting me know, I'm downstairs if you need anything or change your mind on the pancakes."

She chuckles, "Alright, I'll be here in my room."

I close her door and head back to the kitchen. I see Dahlia in the couch looking down at her nails in disgust because they were chipped. She is such a girly girl and a perfectionist, it's crazy! I decide to get her attention and talk.

"I guess it is just pancakes for two. My mom is out, and my sister is not hungry."

"Alright, well should we make them already?"

"Yeah, but it's so quiet. We need a little music.", I say and walk towards the DVD player which comes with a radio installed. I put the most popular radio station here in LA, 102.7 KIIS FM. I raise up the volume so we are able to hear it where we are, and once again head back to the kitchen. They played some Maroon 5, and instantly think of Niall; and, remember when I told him I liked them in the music store. The memory made me feel warm inside, a feeling I have not felt in a long time. I snap out of my thoughts when Dahlia asks for help.

"Can you take out the milk please?", she asks nicely.

"Yeah.", I reply quickly and as I get the milk from the fridge, I hear Harry's voice; and realized, they are playing Story Of My Life on the radio. I let out a quiet chuckle, what a coincidence.

As I hear Niall's solo, I begin to smile so big. I don't know why but his voice made me happy.

"You're smiling, and it's a genuine smile this time. I haven't seen that smile in a long time. Why is that?", she says and sends me a smile as well.

"I don't know, the sound of Niall's voice makes me happy. He makes me happy."

"What are you talking about? Do you watch interviews of him online or listen to his band's music?"

"Oh shit, I forgot to tell you..."

"Tell me what?", she says and displays a confused face on her face.

"I met Niall a couple of days ago, and we started talking. I'm seeing him for lunch today."

"As in Niall from One Direction?!", she says practically screaming and looking shocked.

"No as in Niall, who is just like us. A normal human being who is sweet, outgoing, handsome, and has the best personality in the world.", I reply honestly and truthfully.

Niall is a human being, some of the media forget he has feelings too. I sometimes forget he is famous. I honestly could care less if Niall is famous or not. I liked him for who he truly was, not what the media shows of him. He wasn't Niall the famous guy in a boy band to me but Niall, the boy who showed me the real side of him. The boy from Ireland that didn't expect any of this to happen to him.

"What? When? Where?!", she asks shock still displaying in her face.

I tell her the whole story about Niall and I in the past couple of days; how I met him at work, then bumped in to him in the music store, when he gave me a ride to work and paps were there, when he came to talk over coffee, how he stood up for me and pretended to be my boyfriend, when we went to the park and ate ice cream, and our deep conversations.

"Holy shit! He stood up to Eric? He's a keeper, I don't know him and yet I know he is the kindest guy ever."

"He honestly is."

"Have you met the rest of the boys?", she asks curiously.

"I've only met Harry, he was really kind. He gave me a ride."

"Well damn, Alexy, you're living life."

"Like I said Dahlia, they are just regular people just like us."

* 2 hours later *

Dahlia and I were in the living room watching a movie, Mean Girls. It was the typical chick flick, but who doesn't love that movie? Half of the time we were watching it, and the other half we spent gossiping and catching up on everything. My favorite scene of the movie was about to come on, but the doorbell and phone ring nearly at the same time. I get up to go get my phone from the counter and answer whoever was at the door, but Dahlia stops me.

"I'll go get the door, I know you love this part and it won't be the same if we pause or rewind it.", she chuckles.

"Thanks.", I say and continue to watch the movie.

As I hear Dahlia slowly open the door, I hear her gasping and squealing, practically releasing all type of noises. She yells, "Alexy, hurry up and get over here! You have a something special waiting for your at the door!"

* I know I haven't updated in so long and I'm honestly so sorry! I've been in some tough situations, internally and externally, and hope you can understand that. Well here is your chapter, please vote and comment! xx *

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