Chapter 7

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I woke up at 7 in the morning the next day, since I had fallen asleep early the night before. I decided to get in the shower. I get out of my room and walk down the hall to the restroom. Everything is extremely silent, which means everyone is still sleeping. I reach for the door knob, but the door swings open. I see my older brother, who looks like he is going somewhere, and we're both shocked to see each other at this time.

"Adrian, where are you going so early?"

"Breakfast with my girlfriend, Ellie.", he says as he fixes his jean jacket.

"Ellie is not your girlfriend.", I chuckle, "You just talk to her."

"She's not my girlfriend yet, I'm almost getting there. By the end of this month, she will be officially mine.", he says cockily.

"In your dreams, Adrian."

"Last time I checked my dreams always come true."

"Sure, that's why you're married to Megan Fox, right?", I say sarcastically.

"I didn't need her. Anyways, what are you doing up at this time? It's your day off, take advantage of it."

"I am. I just fell asleep early so I woke up at this time; and, I'm going out later."

"With who? I didn't know you have friends.", he says and pretends to be shocked.

I playfully hit his shoulder, "Shut up Adrian, I have plenty of friends. I'm going out for lunch with a guy named Niall."

"Who is this Niall guy?"

"Why are you asking so many questions today?"

"I just want to know who he is. He needs my approval to go out with you. I need to take care of my baby sister.", he exclaims, showing his overprotective side.

"You're funny. Trust me, Niall is a good guy."

"He better be! Listen, I have to go but we will talk about this later. Be careful!", he says as he goes down the stairs.

"Okay, bye! Have fun with Ellie.", I respond before he closes the front door.

Finally, I go into the bathroom and turn the shower on. I turn the water knob looking for the perfect temperature, not too hot or too cold. Once it's the temperature I want, I step in the shower and let the water run all over my body. It feels good and makes my muscles less tense. I do the usual: shampoo, conditioner and body wash. Once I'm finished, I get out of the shower; and, put on my bath robe. I'm a bit hungry so I go downstairs to the kitchen and grab an apple. It will satisfy me until my mom and sister wake up. I go back upstairs and walk back to my room; and, search through my drawers to look for some sweats and a plain white t shirt.

I put my clean clothes on and grab a book off my book shelf. I'm currently reading Looking for Alaska by John Green. I've read some of his books before and decided to give this one a try. So far, it is interesting and I love it! As I am reading the last paragraph in page 108, the doorbell rings. I usually wait for my mom to open it, but I remembered she is still asleep; and, it it now seven thirty in the morning. I sigh having to get up once again to go downstairs, but I stop midway. What if it's Niall? No, it can't be, we are meeting for lunch not breakfast. What if it is him, and he sees me like this? Oh no, he can not see me like this I look horrible. Should I go back and change? No, I already kept whoever is at the door waiting, and maybe it is not even him.

I sigh in relief to see that it was my best friend, Dahlia. She immediately hugs me once I open the door.

"Alexy, I haven't seen you in forever, we need to catch up! I knew it was your day off so I was wondering if we can make some pancakes here at your house. I brought all the essentials needed, including some blueberries, which are your favorite." she says as she pulls away from our hug.

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