"I think this decision needs to be made between Alice and Bella. Whatever is decided we will cooperate with because Bella is Alice's mate and Bella is now a part of this family as well" Carlisle said calmly "Bella, would you mind if we spoke for a moment in the study?"

"Alice?" Bella asked

I sighed; feeling really guilty that I got so possessive before that she felt she had to ask my permission to leave

"You don't have to ask"

"I know" She said as she rested her hand my knee

"Of course" I replied nodding

I felt her press a kiss into the top of my head and with that she walked into Carlisle's office and closed the door behind him.

The tension grew even thicker when Bella was gone though I could feel Jazz trying to keep everything under control

"So what do we do?" Rosalie asked folding her arms across her chest "You can't possibly think that changing her will solve any problems. Do you not remember what happened to the doctor once he changed you? Do you not remember how he ended up dead for turning you? Changing Bella is the easy fix, the easy option just for a moment until he focuses his rage on someone else"

"She's right. It may stop him from drinking her blood but he'll just come after you or even her anyway. He won't want to lose twice against you Alice" Jazz said sympathetically "If you change her than she'll be a target anyway. She'll be a newborn and have lots of strength yes but James has experience and experience always beats strength"

"So either way I can't possibly make a good decision in this situation" I hissed before I groaned quietly "This isn't a game to me, this is her life we're talking about here. I don't understand how he could see my Bella's life as some kind of game to get revenge against me for something that was completely out of my control. It doesn't make sense"

"No, you're wrong. You can make a good decision here Alice" Edward said honestly "The only good decision we can make is to kill James before it gets so bad that you have to change Bella. I know she wants this but she doesn't know yet what she has to go through. To be this forever...She doesn't know all that she is going to lose"

"But Edward it's already at that point. What happens when she dies and I'm left here by myself? I don't know what else to do because I can't bear the thought of losing her" I shook my head and ran a hand through my hair "Even if I don't change her now, she's going to die somehow down the track so what am I supposed to do when that happens eventually? I'm not going to be able to survive"

"She is not ready" Edward warned hastily

"Well easy for you to continue saying when your mate is a vampire and you get to spend the rest of forever with her and I have to watch the one I love die?" I said heatedly, bearing my sharp teeth to my brother "How is that fair?"

"Life isn't fair" Edward snapped

"But I'm not even alive!" I exclaimed standing from the couch

"She isn't ready yet" Edward repeated through gritted teeth "She won't be able to handle it yet"

"I know that but at some point it's going to happen. We all know it" I said looking around the room "You all know that one day, Bella is going to be like us"

"She shouldn't be" Edward scowled "You shouldn't be putting her through this if she really means that much to you. If she means that much to you then you should be fighting to keep her an innocent human"

"An innocent human who is in love with a vampire, Edward" I replied shaking my head "An innocent human who knows too much already and who is willing to give up everything just to be with me"

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