"Your DAD gave you that!?!" he exclaimed. 

"I forgot to do the dishes after I cooked dinner one night. I kind of deserved it," I said putting my arm back down. 

If I could describe Scott with one word in that moment, it would be angry. No, far more than angry. 

Enraged was more like it. 

His face was beat red and he kept running his fingers through his hair. His jaw was clenched as well which was really obvious since his facial structure was so prominent and structured. 

"Please don't get upset over it. I ran away because I didn't want myself or anyone else to get hurt. Just forget I even mentioned it OK?" I asked. 


"Please Scott," I begged. 

He sighed, then finally nodded in agreement just as the door to the room opened. Mitch walked re entered the room, a young dark haired man in a doctor's uniform following behind him. 

"Hello Alex," the doctor said. "Feeling a bit anxious this morning?" he asked flipping through the notes on his clipboard. 

"Umm, maybe a little," I said pulling the covers of the bed closer to my neck. Scott rubbed my shoulder reassuringly, then stood up. 

"Mitch, can we talk in the hall?" he asked. The brunette nodded and followed Scott out the door into the hall. 

The doctor cleared his throat before he spoke again. 

"You were asleep for quite sometime. You must feel well rested now," he said flashing his abnormally white teeth at me. His pale complexion reminded me of a vampire or a corpse, but his young face took a bit of the frightening edge away. 

"How long was I asleep?" I asked quietly. 

"Oh, maybe around 30 hours or so? It's completely normal for someone who was as dehydrated as your were. Your lucky that fire didn't burn you to a crisp," he said with a chuckle. 

"Yeah, I guess," I chimed in uneasily. I watched cautiously as the doctor read the different monitors that surrounded my bed and the walls. 

"Everything looks alright here. You'll probably be a little dehydrated for the next couple of days, but it shouldn't be too severe. I'd say you're all ready to go home," the doctor said. 

If I had one. 

"Now, who do I need to call to come collect you?" the doctor asked. 

"Well I-" my reply was cut off when Scott poked his head into the room. 

Scott's POV

"Mitch, can we talk in the hall?" I asked. He nodded and followed me out of the room and into the hall. I made sure the door was shut before I let Mitch say anything. 

"What's up Scott?" he asked. 

"She's alone Mitch," I said urgently. 

"No she's not, she's with the doctor," Mitch replied. I rolled my eyes. 

"No. I mean, she lives alone. That record store was the closest thing she's had to a home for years!" I explained. 

"What? How do you know all this?" 

"She told me! She ran away from home because her father is an abusive maniac," I whispered intensely. 

"She told you that?! She's barely said two words to me since we met," 

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