Adeela's Story

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The sounds of bombs echo off the walls and begin to drum in my ears. Sweat starts to pour from my face. Pain surges into my body as whips fly banishing me from the outside world. As I begin to sprint away from the approaching danger. I see many bruises pouring blood from my body. I quickly I run away, for the men in the black turbans are coming. The Taliban are coming...

I take a quick glance behind me checking for danger. Clear. I must have lost them back in the old destroyed alley. I start to climb up the rubble of a once standing apartment at the top lays a small room the only thing left of our 6th house. I creak open the door and quickly close it again before collapsing on the floor. Blood continues to trickle from my wounds as I lay flat on the cool old cracked tiles not daring to move. Knowing if I did a searing pain would course through me.

I wake to find my family surrounding me and my wounds cleaned. As expected my older sister Azar begins to yell "what where you thinking going out there you're a girl and a stupid one at that". She really did take after her name azar meaning fire. We gather round on our small toshaks getting onto our hands and knees and we pray. I pray for: the war to stop the fighting the Taliban, a new home, a prosthetic leg and arm for my father, money and the return of my older brother from war. I pray for what feels like days until finally I'm done. I sit up and begin to weep salty tears role down my cheeks and drip on to my toshak. Very slowly I fall asleep.

After many days of talking we had made our decision. Or rather our parents had made the decision. We were moving to a country full of joy and happiness a country called Australia. Joy and happiness I hadn't felt those things since I had been allowed to go to school and mother had been allowed to work. I remember playing with my friends and being joyful and happy that was 2 full years ago will it really ever happen again?

I wake to father shaking me "you must wake up we are leaving for Australia". I wanted to say to him I' am scared I wanted to curl up to him and cry. Cry for our rights but I knew I couldn't for it would upset him. Instead I asked "what do I bring" he replied "you must bring your warmest clothes but nothing more". Nothing more I didn't understand why I couldn't bring my dolls and maybe just the story book my uncle had given me but I listened and began to put on my heaviest clothing. Together we walked outside int o the cold night. There was a truck outside in the lane way waiting to take us to the boat. Together me, mother and azar climb into the old wardrobe attached to the back of the truck and close the door. Darkness surrounded us as we trudged into the night towards the shore. Towards Australia.

After what feels like years but was only a month straight of traveling we pull to a stop finally after all this waiting we are in Pakistan. I peek through a hole in the wardrobe. I can see waves smash against the shore sending particles of sand flying skywards. Slowly the truck slows to a halt I push open the door and jump out running to the end of the dock stretching my burning legs. This is something that I've been meaning to do in months. I watch as father puts a small bag of food aboard a tiny row boat and he hands a dirty man some money. We board the boat and push off. Waves bash against the sides of the boat. Wind whips against my face my body stings. Salty flakes of water cascade onto my family I hold on to the side of the boat for dear life. Not knowing what was ahead.

I look upwards then I see it a mere spec in the distance. I begin to yell and scream "land hoe, Australia, happiness and joy is just round the corner" we laugh and sing. Knowing that finally safety was close. Finally for the first time in 2 years safety had returned...

It was Sunday, church day this was the day we would go to church and learn about Christianity it was different to our original religion but this was what all the other kids believed in. So my family became Christian. We learned about god creating the world and all that. But one thing was wrong what did I truly believe in? Here in Australia we fit right in happiness and joy was truly everywhere I and azar went to school and mother to work.Together we had made millions of friends, dad and mum had amazing jobs. I couldn't believe the beauty happiness and joy in Australia was so rich, But the real question was would it stay this way?

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 24, 2017 ⏰

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