Hours later, he put down his headphones, and burned his new creations onto a disc before he put the tape in a box for storage. He didn’t know if these songs would be put out for public consumption, but it didn’t matter. They were finished; they matched what he heard in his head. They were ready to share with Sofia. He knew he’d need a little sleep to be his best for her, and he wanted to be his best for her.

The next morning Sofia woke at 8 a.m., shocked she’d gotten more than 6 hours of sleep. Throwing on her robe and slippers, she headed down for a pot of English Breakfast Tea. While waking up over her second cup of tea, she turned on the news to catch the forecast. High of -15 with weather moving in. I don’t think he’s going to take me on a sleigh ride today with this weather. She felt safe securing sheer black stockings onto a lilac garter belt, and a slim black wool maxi skirt with a slit that made it inappropriate for school. Tucking in a blouse in an impressionistic print of black and white, she fastened a black belt with a filigree silver buckle around her waist. Tall black boots would keep the wind away from her legs. Finishing her outfit with a long basketweave cardigan, she felt ready to face whatever Prince had in mind.

Taking one last look at her hair and adding one more layer of fragrant lotion to her dry hands, she was surprised to hear her doorbell ring at 9:30. Who is that? She thought, heading to the door.  I'm not expecting anyone but- She was extremely surprised to see Prince on the other side, with snowflakes swirling around him.

‘Get in here before you freeze! I don’t remember you ever being early for anything!’ she remarked, taking his coat and hat. He started laughing when he realized they had ended up color coordinated, he in a black and white striped sweater and black pants, she in black and white blouse and black skirt. Funny how things worked out that way. ‘Really-black and white? We are just fine as wine!’

Sofia giggled. ‘It is an interesting coincidence.’

Prince grabbed her and pulled her in. ‘Now you know I don’t believe in coincidence, babe. This is all part of a master plan.’ He leaned in closely, looked her in the eyes in the spell-binding way he had, and murmured, ‘Hi there.’

‘Hi, yourself,’ Sofia murmured back, before her mouth was captured in a sweet, non-demanding kiss. She took it to the next level, running her hands up to the back of his neck and toying with his hair, while her tongue begged entrance, which it was quickly granted. As they both clung a little closer and Sofia groaned, Prince broke it off, stepped back, and said, ‘Babe, I can’t believe I’m going to say this, but I think it’s too early in the day.’

Now, that's a change! she thought, unconsciously licking her lips. The man she remembered would have headed straight for her bedroom. The girl she'd been would have gone right along. It wouldn't have occurred to her to object.

Girl, if you don't… Prince forced his attention away from that enticing sight of the tip of Sofia’s tongue. The things I remember…

‘All right, what's on the agenda today?’ Sofia asked, eagerly looking forward to whatever he had in store.

‘The agenda isn’t exactly what I planned. The weather has something to do with that. I thought we’d pick up some food and head for Paisley Park.’

As Sofia’s mouth opened, Prince laid one finger against it and said, ‘I get it. What you shared yesterday truly broke my heart. If I could go back in time and change my reactions, I would. But I can’t. The only thing I can do is help heal the damage from the past. Paisley is my home right now, so that’s where I need to do it.’

‘Okay,’ Sofia replied, nodding. I promised myself I’d give him a chance. ‘So, where are we picking up food?’

‘People’s Organic. Ever been there? Everything I’ve ever eaten has been delicious.’

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