69. Music to my earsssss 🌹

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Omg the music video is just sooooo kwellll🙈💕💕💕💕💕💕

Anyways, i have nothing much to post but a little bit of this--

Anyways, i have nothing much to post but a little bit of this--

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It's reverse! Willa and space_lyft 's Oc Nat <3

I wanted to make an update here as well, just to balance it out with my other book XD

But yeah! Curse me for forgetting to grab my colour pencils once again from school ;v;

There are a couple more fanarts I'll be doing between some of my OCs with others so yeah~ get ready for that x'D

I have a fanart of vector by MorbidFace-AJ that I forgot to post xdddddddddd

I have a fanart of vector by MorbidFace-AJ that I forgot to post xdddddddddd

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He's so adorbs!

Also, Q&A for Creeps and Corpses OC w/ their reverse is finally open for themmm! ^^

I won't be drawing them out as they answer so it'll just be written out ;v; I barely got time for drawing no more hnnnggggggggg

Okey maybe some if they're interesting (??) :3

But yeah, ask as many questions as you can! X3

I'll put the names below so you can ask there👍🏻









If you wanna ask the reverse version of them some questions, just ask it down here

--> Reverse <--

Have a nice day/night! <33

Peace out ~

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