Two: It's A Small World

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You Found Me - Chapter Two: It's a Small World

My first shift at 'Junk N Stuff' was as horrible as expected.

Not because I didn't make any sales. A surprising amount of people actually bought stuff.

Not because Ray was a horrible boss. He was a great boss - a little strange, but a great boss all in all.

It was no one other than my co-worker who was the source of my problems; sucking the life out of me, as I tried to get through four hours of being in his presence.

Good for nothing Henry Hart.

He didn't really do anything to help make any sales at all. It seemed like driving customers away was his specialty instead. All he'd managed to do was glare and/or insult anyone who'd tried to speak to him, and to make sure they didn't leave with a horrible opinion of the place, I had to save the day with what I consider to be my amazing people skills.

With a middle-aged woman smiling at me and briefly side-eying Henry before she left the store, my shift was finally over. I sighed with relief, turning to face the idiot of the hour (or should I say four hours) only to see that he was now nonchalantly checking for what was probably notifications on his phone without a care in the world. I could feel the incredulous stare on my face as I crossed my arms over my chest.

"What was that?" I asked him, still in disbelief over the way he'd interacted with others.

"What was what?" He didn't even look up from his phone as he answered my question with another question.

"Uh, the past four hours?!" I exclaimed, and from the tone of my voice he rolled his eyes before finally paying me full attention.

"What's got your panties in a twist, Page?" He seemed annoyed now, which was amazing considering that exact emotion should have belonged to me!

"You, Henry, that's what." I walked over to the counter - where he'd stood pretty much the whole time since I'd walked in - and stopped once I was directly in front of it.

"I had to save like 70% of the sales today, as you decided that being an ass was the way to go." I slammed a hand down on the counter but he didn't flinch. Instead he glanced at my hand like I'd merely leaned on it before meeting my eyes again.

"What's your point?"

"My point?" I laughed with disbelief, "My point is that you need to stop this..." I gestured a hand in his direction "Whatever this attitude problem is, and get it together."

He let out a scoff like sound before replying with a disinterested "Whatever." And putting his attention back to his phone again.

I rolled my eyes and turned around.

"How's it going guys?" Ray said with a warm smile as he strolled back into the room. What he'd been doing for the past four hours I would never know...and would probably never want to know either.

"I would like to say good Ray but..." I jerked my thumb behind me in Henry's direction without even bothering to turn around. "Henry didn't want to play nice with the customers."

"So, you're not just uptight but you're a snitch too?" I could hear Henry say from behind me, a sarcastic chuckle in his voice as he spoke.

"A snitch or just honest, you decide." I told him with a shrug and a mock smile. His expression was suddenly unamused and I felt a great sense of satisfaction.

"I'm sorry about that Charlotte," Ray said with a sigh. He turned his attention to Henry and pointed an accusing finger in his direction.

"I'll be dealing with you later."

You Found Me | CHENRYTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang