One: Junk 'N' Stuff

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DISCLAIMER: I do not own anything from the show Henry Danger. I do however, own the idea for this story and anything else fictional you don't recognise. Please DO NOT plagarize.

Author's Note: This story will be told in Charlottes P.O.V. This is also an AU (alternate universe) story. I apologise for any typos in advance 😂


You Found Me - Chapter One: Junk 'N' Stuff

Sleep. I needed sleep. But this 'Captain Man and Kid Danger' Comic was too good. My eyes were straining but my brain was on alert. Just one more page, just one!

"Charlotte? You better not be awake reading those comics again," My mother's voice could be heard right outside my bedroom door making me jump. Quickly composing myself, I switched the lamp at my bedside table off and reached for my flashlight.

"Mom, I was just about to go to bed," I replied; exaggerating a tired voice was bound to trick her. She didn't have to know I was about to hide under my bed sheets with a flashlight in one hand, ready to stay up like a sneaky 5th grader.

"Hm. Alright. Goodnight, sweetie," Hearing her footsteps drift away, I smirked as if I'd just gotten away with murder. You'd think being seventeen I wouldn't be treated like such a child, but that's not how it worked in my family apparently. As I settled myself in a more comfortable position, you could say I was more than startled when my pear phone started vibrating.

After a moment of just staring at it in astonishment, I let out a sigh and made to grab for it without checking the Caller ID. I was already sure of who was on the line (I mean, who else was going to call me at such a late hour.)

"Jasper, it's late and for the fifth time I will not go shopping for buckets with you all the way in another state!" I whispered as loudly as I thought was possible without triggering my mother's freaky 'dog-like' hearing. Expecting to hear whining from my best friend on the other line, all I heard was an awkward pause.

"...Uh, is this Charlotte Page?" The deep voice that replied definitely wasn't Jasper's. In fact, that sounded like...

"Mr. Manchester?"

Mr. Manchester was the owner of the local 'weirdo' shop known as 'Junk 'N' Stuff'; the only place in Swellview that sold...well junk. And said shop was where I'd applied to work for two weeks prior to the call I was currently on.

In all honesty I'd forgotten all about it. I had seen the ad for 'help' on the way home from school in the shop window and without really much thought, put my name down on the (very empty might I add) list before quickly filling out an application.

That however, didn't explain as to why he was calling me at 1:30 AM. Though if I was honest, he was little odd himself.

"Yeah, sorry to call you at such a late hour. I was preoccupied with uh...other duties and this was the only available time I could make time to speak with you." Yupp, really odd.

"I just wanted to inform you that I reviewed your application and you're hired. You can start working at Junk 'N' Stuff tomorrow at 11 AM." My embarrassment over shouting about buckets to anyone other than Jasper was shortlived, as I let out a squeal in excitement.

"I got the job?! Really? Thank you so much, Mr. Manchester!" I probably sounded a little too excited because he chuckled.

"It's a pleasure, Charlotte, and call me Ray."

"Will do, Ray. See you tomorrow!" We both hung up the phone and a grin was practically splitting my face as I went back to reading.

"Charlotte?! I thought you were sleeping. What was that noise?" Oops. I couldn't have made that much noise yet my mother was back outside my door. She hears at a higher frequency than the rest of us, I swear.

You Found Me | CHENRYМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя