Kristi was amused by Dr. Gage's behaviour, for it meant that he was enjoying himself. She arose and exited the parlor and was halfway across the foyer when there was a knock on the door. Tibbons was nowhere to be see, since he had left the room in a huff, no doubt insulted by the men's laughter.

Kristi went to the door herself and opened it. A tall young man stood there. He quickly doffed his hat at her appearance, causing a small stream of water from the rain to drizzle onto his shoulder as he did so. Kristi suppressed a smile.

"Good evening, Sir," she greeted him, "may I help you?"

His handsome face showed confusion and a bit of concern. "I am dreadfully sorry, Ma'am, I was under the impression that Dr. Gage lived here."

Kristi smiled, "You are under the correct impression, Sir, this is Dr. Gage's home. Won't you come in out of the rain?"

He entered hesitantly. "I apologize for the intrusion, Ma'am, but I was invited to..."

He was interrupted by Dr. Gage as he backtracked from the dining room, already apologizing for forgetting about Kristi. He stopped at the sight of their guest before rushing to him and pulling him into an embrace.

"Carter!" he exclaimed, "I'm so glad you could make it!"

Carter returned the embrace before stepping back and apologizing for his wet coat.

"Nonsense," Dr. Gage assured him, "no harm has been done. But it will be unless you remove that coat before you catch your death."

Carter removed his coat and Dr. Gage took it. "Oh, Carter," he said, "Let me introduce you to Miss Kristine Garrett. She is staying with me while she completes her nursing training at Kingston County. Kristi, Meet Doctor Carter Ryans. He is Dr. Leland Ryans' son who has been away at medical school and has only recently graduated."

"I'm pleased to meet you Dr. Ryans, "Kristi said quietly.

Carter took her hand gently with his long fingers and pressed it to his lips softly. "I assure you, the pleasure is all mine."

Kristi blushed.

Dr. Gage beamed at them happily. "Kristi, will you show Carter in to the dining room while I track down Tibbons to make a fire to dry this coat?"

Before she could respond, he left them, rushing to the library. Kristi gestured to the dining room, "If you'll just follow me, Dr. Ryans."

He offered his arm to her. "Certainly, Miss Garrett, but I must insist that you call me Carter. My father has been 'Doctor Ryans' for so long that I don't think I'll ever be comfortable being addressed as such."

Kristi took his arm. "Thank you, Carter, and I must also insist that you call me Kristi as everyone else does."

He smiled, "Thank you, Kristi, I shall do so."

Kristi led him into the dining room. The men at the table looked up at their arrival. Dr. Seldon Bounded from his seat. "Carter my boy! Good to see you!"

The other men rose, Dr. Ryans coming to hug his son excitedly as the others encircled him to give their greetings and congratulations.


The dinner was fabulous, Dr. Gage had even managed to persuade Tibbons to join them. Kristi and Dr. Gage escorted their guests to the door, Dr. Gage following them out to the steps and remarking that the rain had stopped. Carter hung back, speaking to Kristi once they were alone in the foyer.

"I had a lovely evening Kristi, I thank you for your kind hospitality."

"Thank you Carter, the evening was pleasant for me as well."

He fiddled with the hat in his hands, for a moment before speaking again," I wonder if I might have permission to call on you sometime next week after I get settled in. Would that be possible? I have already taken the liberty of speaking to Dr. Gage about it and he has agreed to it if you find it pleasing."

Kristi smiled at him, "I should love to have you call."

His face lit up. "Thank you Kristi, I look forward to next week."

He went out onto the steps. Dr. Gage shook his hand vigorously.

"Thank you for coming my boy, it was nice to see you again."

After all of the men had taken their leave, Dr. Gage came back inside. "That went well," he said to Kristi, "It was delightful to see young Carter again. Did you enjoy yourself?"

Kristi kissed his cheek, "Yes Uncle, I did, thank you."

He beamed at her and then yawned tiredly. "Good night my dear, you may not be tired, but us daytime doctors have limited nocturnal hours. I'm off to bed, I'll see you in the morning."

Kristi bid him good night before going into the library. She picked up the book she had been reading earlier and curled up in her favorite chair in front of the fire that Tibbons had made. However, she found it hard to concentrate, for her mind was not on the book, but rather on the young man that she had just said good night to.

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