"A watched pot never boils" Winston said quietly as he came up behind me and wrapped his arms around my waist. I felt his lips on the back of my neck as he pressed a kiss there. I closed my eyes and nodded a little. "Are you sure you're okay? You seemed pretty quiet today".

"It's just been one of those days, Winnie" I answered softly. "My therapy session felt like it lasted for ages, and I've had homework to do and I also had to make sure I took my meds. It's just been a long day is all, but you're here, so that makes things a bit better".

"Yeah? Well I'm glad then".

I opened my eyes and noticed the water was close to a boil. Winston freed me from his arms and I picked up the box of pasta noodles. Winston picked up the jar of Alfredo sauce and placed a pot on another eye of the stove.

After pouring the noodles into the now boiling pot of water, I hoisted myself up onto the counter. I kicked my legs a little and watched Winston as he poured the Alfredo sauce into the pot so it could begin to heat up. He moved across the kitchen and I let him stand in between my legs.

He placed his hands on my thighs and playfully patted away at them. I let him do so and looked at him as he was too busy watching his hands. I leaned forward a bit and the action caused Winston to look up at me.

I pressed my lips to his and began to kiss him softly. His hands stopped patting at my thighs so they could begin to rub them instead. I brought my own hands up so I could cup Winston's face. I brushed my thumb against his cheek.

"Why'd you kiss me?" Winston asked after the kiss had ended.

"Just wanted to" I replied, "I like kissing you".

"I like kissing you too".

"Yeah?" I pecked his lips before dropping my hands from his face.


I smiled some, "I should probably check on the noodles".

"I'll do it" Winston moved and picked up a wooden spoon and stirred the noodles. "I think they're almost done".

"And the Alfredo sauce?"

"That too".

I nodded my head a little and looked down at my hands.

"So, um... I found out from Ray and Elijah that Chresanto is getting moved to a foster home" I stated. "He's only moving a little more than thirty minutes away though, so..."

"Do you still want to talk to him?"

I shrugged my shoulders and didn't say anything.

"It's okay if you want to, I'm not going to be mad or anything.

"What am I talking to him about again?"

"Well I'm assuming your brother, you did find his journal after all".

"I think I change my mind about speaking to him..."

"Okay, that's fine too" Winston reassured.


I continued to sit on the counter while Winston drained the water from the pasta. He poured the Alfredo sauce over the noodles and used the spoon to mix them together. He made us both a bowl and glasses of water.

We went back up to my room and got comfortable in my bed. I grabbed Axel's journal and placed my bowl in my lap.

Dating Chresanto isn't so bad. We spend a lot of time together and I really don't mind because I actually like him a lot. I feel like he gets me in a way that none of my own family members do. I know that's really sad to say, but it's true. I feel like I can just be myself around him and not have to worry about getting shit about it.

Tempest (Royce/Winston)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt