“James, I know what you must be thinking, or feeling-“

“No you don’t! How-“

“Let me finish. I know, because I have had the same uncertainties since the past few days. I was-“

“Tell me how you are still alive.”James said, his patience running thin. Did she think he would welcome her with open arms when she suddenly appeared like this? Without an explanation, she wouldn’t even get his sympathy.

“Alright then, I will. That morning, the ‘poison’ I supposedly took, was actually a drug of some sort, that helps you fake your own death by suppressing your breath and heartbeats for a few minutes. After you fell unconscious, it took just a few seconds for the drug to produce its effects.

I knew your father would never suspect anything, he was too bent on seeing me die for my sins to even take notice of anything. As soon as he sent you to your room with a footman, he probably decided to get himself drunk, which was a blessing for me, because when I regained consciousness a few minutes later, he was half asleep at his desk, a half-empty bottle of Scotch next to him.

Without wasting any time, I scrambled to my feet, and escaped through the secret passage near the book shelf. Your father didn’t even notice a thing.” Taking a deep breath after the long narrative, his mother looked straight into his eyes, waiting for his next question.

James did not waste any time. “Where did you go? Where were you for all these years?” They both also knew his unsaid query.  Why did you leave me?

“James, do you remember the man I told you about?” Eunice asked carefully.

“Your paramour, you mean? Yes, I remember all too clearly. Please continue.” James said rudely, hating the way his voice sounded but he couldn’t help it. He was just too angry to be reasonable.

Ignoring the pain his words caused, Eunice continued,” His name was Daniel Marchbanks. He was an investor of sorts, and he also wrote beautiful poetry. He was, well, he was unmarried, and after meeting each other a few times we fell in love. I know I sound selfish, but I knew I wanted to be with him, just as I knew the best place for you was with your father. What could I have given you, James? With your father, you would be raised as his heir! That itself entitles an education, wealth, a reputation beyond reproach! What could I, a woman who resurrected herself to flee her husband the Earl, give you?”

“Love, mother. You could have given me love,” whispered James.

Before his mother could reply, however, Olivia spoke.

“That is enough for now, my lord. The gentlemen await you in the Rose parlor.” As both mother and son turned to her with equally shocked expressions, they hadn’t heard her come in halfway through their conversation, she smiled soothingly.

“James dear, come along now. I shall send the footmen to take the duke to the parlor now. You must go greet our guests. I have sent a few snacks there, but you must leave. I shall keep her Ladyship company till you return.” Olivia was trying to urge him along quickly, but at her last sentence, James stood abruptly.

“You shall not stay in the same room with her! I forbid it! As it is, she was on her way out,” James ground out. And he meant every word. He wanted nothing more to do with the woman who had left him alone as a child.

“James, please, I will be safe. I promise,” Olivia pleaded. She had to speak with the dowager. James was to unsettled to think clearly now, but she had to get him to understand. Suddenly she realized what she could do to allay his fears.

From the voluminous folds of her skirts, she unstrapped the small pistol she had started carrying with her and showed it to her husband, whose eyebrows rose high on his forehead. She laughed at his expression.

“Can you use that toy then?” James asked her, making her bristle.

“I will let you know that I am a crack shot, my lord,” was the tart reply.

James smirked for a second before giving his mother a hard look that clearly warned her not to try anything while he was gone, she gave a curt nod in compliance.

“I will finish this business as soon as possible, my love, and come back to you. Also I shall send your lady’s maid here, as a precaution,” so saying, James kissed her forehead firmly, before striding to the door, his mind already thinking about what he was going to tell Nate, and how they were going to extract information from Radnor.

When the door shut behind the footmen who took the body with them, Olivia turned to the dowager and sat on the armchair opposite the diwan.

Looking at the woman before her, she smiled, “My lady, I shall introduce myself since my husband hasn’t bothered to do so. I am Olivia Richardson, Countess Winchester and your son’s wife.”



How is it? Next update on the 9th!

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