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Sometimes the chit-chat sounds like nails on a chalk board
Like wind cross a straw
Like leaves under foot
A snip a snap a crunch
All the sound could be too much
Do you wanna cover your ears and beg for silence
Do you want to open your mouth and yell from the depths of your lungs only adding to the chaos
What of it if you just bite your lip our the inside of your cheeks
Who would know your thoughts what you have to say
What does the chit-chat sound like to you when it comes from your mouth
Does it trickle does it flow
What branch of river does your mouth feed
What does the river mummer
What does the brook sing
What does your chit-chat mean
What do you have to say
Will you say it

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 23, 2017 ⏰

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