Chapter 10

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But, as you know, this story will have a sequal, so don't cry girlies (or boyies)

So, continue with your reading!!!!

Chapter 10

Zayn's POV

   It hurts to wake up the next morning, knowing my boyfriend is dead, and the killer is in this house. I lay in bed for about 2 hours before I get out of bed.

   I go to the kitchen. Niall and Liam are there. Harry isn't there, thank God!!

   "Zayn, good, you're here. Read this note Harry left." Niall hands me a piece of paper. I start to read it. 

What I did is unforgivable, and sorry doesn't even express what I feel. I have turned Louis' body to a hospital, and confessed my crime. I'm either in a correctional facility or prison. I deserve to rot and die, and go to hell. God will never forgive my sins. And as for One Direction, I feel so bad for breaking us up. I will never return, and please, don't look for me. I deserve no love.

Sincerly, Harry E. Styles

   Never see Harry again? How will the fans react? We aren't One Direction anymore. Now, we're Niall, Zayn, and Liam. It's not right.

   "Does this mean..." Niall asks.

   "I never thought it would end like this." I say.

   "We've only been famous for about 2 years." Liam adds. It got quiet for a while.

   "Now what do we do?" asks Niall.

   "Go on with our everyday lives. Without fame." Liam replies.

   "Go back to being normal." I add.

    A few minutes later, almost half hour, we start packing. I'm going back to Bradford, Liam to Wolverhampton, and Niall to Mullingar. Liam drives us to the airport. Me and Niall sit in the back. It's a long drive, and nobody says anything on the way.

   When we got to the airport, things were awkward. We're each going on a different flight. We wait together, but say nothing. 

   Minutes pass until we hear:
   "Flight 39 to Dublin is ready for take off."

   That's Niall's flight. He stands up.

   "Keep in touch?" He asks. Liam and I nod.

   "Goodbye hug?" He asks. We stand up, and do a huddle. People are watching.

   "Well, so long." Niall grabs his stuff, and leaves. Then, I hear:

   "Flight 28 to Wolverhampton is ready for take off." It's Liam's flight.

   "Bye mate. See you soon." Liam grabs his stuff, and leaves. I'm sitting alone now. Then, I hear my flight being called. I grab my stuff, and like the rest of the guys, I head off.

   On my way to the plane, I think, for the first time One Direction is heading in different directions.

And that everyone, was A Zouis Love Story. Thank you for reading it, and the sequel will be posted VERY soon.

xox, Lizzie

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⏰ Last updated: May 23, 2012 ⏰

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