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I looked back and saw Marcus laying on the ground i ran up to him
R: CALL 911
we got him to the hospital he was in coma Lucas sat with him for a little while i sat in the waiting room then Lucas came in and sat in the waiting room and i went in Marcus room and i saw Marcus laying on the hospital bed all lifeless i cried so hard
R: Marcus im so sorry this is all my fault
Me and Lucas swiched out i fell asleep in the waiting room Lucas woke me up and hugged me
R: i love him so much
L: i do to
R: i dont want to lose him
L: i know i dont either
We went and sat in his room and we went to sleep me and Lucas woke up and got some food we ate it Lucas dropped me off to take a shower i took a shower and put on some clothes and Lucas and i went to the hospital we went in Marcus room and sat down me and Lucas talked for hours the doctors came in an told ys they needed more blood they took the blood and me and Lucas talked a little more i was holding Marcus hand when...
Authors note
Hi guys check out my other books👇

Authors note Hi guys check out my other books👇

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Have a wonderful day/ night peace

In love with my bestfreind(Marcus fanfic)✔Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang