Poem Tres-Delif

6 1 0

Holy Fright


Mom's strangled voice rang out;

Clear as day,

Dark as night.

"The bombs! We need a new route!"

Can you not hear me, Lord?

I'm standing right here.

Amongst the others,

As I spot the large horde.

Hundreds of Nazi's before us,

Not a noise. Besides bombs.

They know we are Runners.

A new noise occurs; a baby's fuss.

"Run!" Mom screams. I do.

My legs are like noodles,

But that doesn't stop myself,

To run from Nazi rues.

At the end of my darkest day,

Mother does not make it.

She did not run as I ran,

So I lost my mom, Kay.

Germans attacking Jews,

Germans attacking Germans,

What is wrong with this, God?

I fear for my sister, whom I may lose.

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