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I look over to see a pale girl thats not breathing. "Someone call 911" i shout running over to him realizing its Joseph's sister. His turning pale. I have to do CPR on him i move all the people that are crowding the area im in. I start with doing compositions on his chest. I know what im doing because i had CPR classes last year as a 14 year old. SHe doesn't move so i do mouth to mouth. But im really creeped out by it. But dont want her  to die.

"Thank you miss...?" the cop says as we get into the ambulance and go the hospital "King" i finish looking at the poor boy thats turning more and more purple by each second. "Ma'ma dont cry" the officer says rubbing my back as i reilzed i was crying

"Miss. King" i stand up and wipe my tears of sadness "she's ....

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