How she died

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"I died from..... cancer. When I was 50." Said Elenas  grandma
"I know mom used to tell me all about you, but I never got a chance to meet you.. and now I do!"
"Sweetie, I'm glad your here but your only 20 you have barely lived your life and well now your dead." Said Roxanna (Elenas grandmother)
"It's so good to meet you but, I still am having a hard time believing im actually dead. Now what happens?"
"Well now that you are in Elsewhere, you will start aging backwards until you are a baby agin then you will go back to Earth. But you will learn that tomorrow at your meeting."
"What meeting?"
" All new people must go to the meeting where you will learn all about Elsewhere and about the Observation decks, and the aging process, but most importantly they will go over what laws they have here." Roxanna explains.
" oh, okay." I said
"Mean while you can stay with me at my house." Roxanna says
"Thank you."
I told my grandmother that I wanted to wonder around, and that's what I did. I then saw a place, with binoculars and people crying and laughing so I walked over and saw that it was the observation deck, just like the one on the boat! I walked over and the machines say enter 25 cents, she reached into her pockets and felt money and a piece of paper. I took the paper out and the money I opened the paper and it said- My Dearest Elena, just in case you want to go to the observation decks- Roxanna. I walked over to an empty seat and put in one quarter, I look through the binoculars and I saw....

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