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requested by: me. Yup, I have no requests. requests are always open. Oh, and I just want to throw this out there, if you find a spelling error, please don't be rude and criticize me about it. If you find one please just kindly tell me. I already have alot on my hands and I don't need to deal with people's rudeness. Sometimes people make mistakes. we're all only human, so please be kind and don't be a jerk about it. I was through comments on someone's story as I was kindly telling them they made a spelling error and alot of people were being jerks about it. thanks!

Hi, I'm Y/n. I am a huge fan of Shawn Mendes, and he is the only person keeping me here in this cruel, cruel world. Everyone seems to hate me, and I don't know why. Like, what's the point of life if you're just going to die eventually? (if you want you may answer this in the comments. you don't have to, but feel free! I have a friend who asked me that, and I don't really know the answer lol.) I hate the way I look, and everything else about me. But that changed after my idol moved in next to me.

**Present day**

I sit in my room doing pencil sketching. My phone blares my ringtone for Shawn, which is Life Of The Party.

Shawn_Muffin: Hey, you wanna come over?

Me: Sure, I actually have to tell you something.

Shawn_Muffin: Me too.

I head next door, and Shawn's door is unlocked, so I let myself in. "Hey, come up to my room," Shawn says, after hearing th door open. I go upstairs, and into Shawn's room. "Hey, what did you want to talk about?" I ask, sitting down next to him. Oh my god, what if he doesn't like me back?! "Y/n, I.. I like you," Shawn says, blushing. "Oh, Shawn, I..I like you too," I say, blushing, "I have another thing to tell you though." "What is it?" he asks. "I'm...depressed," I say, a huge wave of relief washing over me. You know that feeling when you feel like you just dropped a 300 lb weight? That's what it felt like confessing it. "Oh my god! How long have you been depressed?!" he asks me. "A few years," I say. "Why didn't you tell anyone?" he asks. "I don't konw," I say, now crying.

We talk for a while before I go home. My friend Ann Marie texts me.

Ann_Swims: hey I talked to Charlie

Me: really? And?

Ann_Swims: he's moving to Maryland

Me: really?

Ann_Swims: ya srry

Me: ok..😢

Ann_Swims: So... hows Shawn

Me: he likes me!!!!

Ann_Swims: that's great oh gtg bye

Me: kk bye

I text Shawn to tell him to come over, and head into the bathroom. I grab a blade and start cutting my wrists. One for everything that's ever happened to me. Me getting bullied. My old crush moving away. My other old crush being taken. My other old crush dying. And now, my best friend since 2nd grade moving to Maryland. I live in California.

Shawn comes into the house, and calls me. My body slumps against the door, causing Shawn to run up. He opens the door to see me on the ground, about to pass out. "Y/n!! I thought you said you were done!" Shawn says, picking me up and placing me on the counter so he can clean the cuts.

"I know Shawn, I'm sorry," I say, crying. "Hey, it's ok! You're trying to stop and that's what matters!" He says, wrapping my wrist. "Yeah, that's what matters," I say, still crying.

Hey, so if you or someone you know is suicidal, please call someone. In my county and a county over from my county, there's been massive rates of suicides. My mom has a friend who's son killed himself at school. So please, let's try to prevent that. The main causes are:
Sexual harassment
Bad conditions at home (abuse,etc.)
And much more

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 29, 2017 ⏰

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