9/22/17 (Helpless Lover)

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Dear Avery,

I have this friend named 'Joe' and I really like him. I feel as if he might like me and I like him back. How do I find out if I like him or not? I also feel as if he won't pay enough attention to me. What should I do? I am only in High School and have only dated a few boys.

Helpless Lover

Dear Helpless Lover,

I believe that you should do what you like to do. I would have a friend ask him point blank if he likes you. Or you can do it yourself. Which ever way, you should find out if he likes you and go from there. If you guys start dating then simply tell him if he is not paying enough attention to you. He may not be the one for you. I hope you have the best of luck with 'Joe' and just follow your heart.


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