Love Letter- Louise Bennett.

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My all time favorite piece

Me darlin' love, me little dove
Me dumplin', me gizada
Me sweety Sue, I goes for you
Like how flies goes for sugar

As I put me pen to paper
An' me pen-nib start to fly
Me remembrance remember
The firs' day you catch me eye.

You did jus' come off of a tram-car
A bus was to you right
A car sweep past you left ear
An' you stand up stiff with fright

You jaw drop, you mouth open
Jus like when jackass start yawn
Me heart go boogoo-boogoo
An' I know juz why I born!

No scorn me little letter love
I know me writin' poor
Me learning not too good, but what
I can't spell, I will draw!

The thing down in the corner with
The freckles is me heart
An' the plate of yam and shellfish mean
That we can never part

See how I draw the two face what
Dey look on one another
Well, one is you and one is me
Take any one you rather!

Is not a cockroach foot, this, is
A finger with a ring
An' it mean I want to married you
This line is piece of string

Take it put it roun' the weddin' finger
On your weddin' han'
Careful for yet the right size an'
Then give it to this man

The man is me, Now Sweet Rice
Keep swell till I see you nex'
Accept me young heart while I close
With love and lots of  xxxxx

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⏰ Última actualización: Sep 22, 2017 ⏰

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