Finding help

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My first time writing sorry for mistakes


Sabrina is daughter of the knight that is strongest in the kingdom.Suddenly on Sabrina's 16th birthday her father goes missing.She ask all the knights in the kingdom if they have seen him.All the answers she got were no after that she went to her room and cried.

She was then in her dreams visited by the fay she said" child come to me I know what happened to your father". Sabrina woke up panting she said these words later that day to the kingdom's other guards '' I must go to find the fay'' one of the guards asked''who's the fay?''. She is the ruler of all fairies'' Sebrina explained another guard asked ''why?''.Sebrina's answer was ''she knows what happened to my father''.

'' Farwell'' yelled Sebrina as she walked out twoard the woods.The guards all at once yelled back'' goodbye and good luck ''.As Sebrina walked deeper into the forest she felt something watching her.She quickly yelled out '' whose there ?''.Then there was a little light that floated down from a tree.

Then the little light turned to a woman with a pink hair, a corset top with a mid thigh ruffled skirt, and emerald green eyes.Sebrina asked '' who are you ?'' ''oh my lord did you not just see that I'm the fay but call me Selma''. ''okay'' Sebrina replied.''What brings you here child ?'' '' you visited me in my dream.''. ''Ah I see we will talk about this in the fairy dimension''.

In the fairy dimension


''So'' Sebrina said ''so what'' said Selma ''about my father'' stated Sebrina ''oh yeah''.''So explain'' ''okay jese'' ''anyway your father was kidnapped by witches I don't know why but I think it has to do with the fact you are a good witch there has not been one in a thousand years I know your wondering how I know well...I feel the power and goodness coming off you in waves'' Selma said in one breath.Then Sebrina just passed out.


That was my first chapter hope you like it _yours truly ,Watts


"What happened"? was first thing Sebrina said when she woke up."Well...I told you you are the good witch and you passed out". said Selma."Oh o- wait you said I'm the good witch!"."Yes dear I did say that now listen".O-Okay' Sebrina said shakily.

"You were born to protect against the witches who want to destroy the world."There is another one like you but it is a wizard he will come to the fairy dimension tomorrow when you get your powers.". "Okay but what is is his name?"."Chase Victian 3rd most powerful thing ever."."Who is 1st and 2nd?"

"You than me you are stronger than both of us combined."Selma said.Sebrina's mouth was agape could she really be that powerful."How?" Sebrina asked she needed an answer."Well when you were born you were born with the power of the goddesses and gods so you have a lot of power but,a witch cursed the good witch with becoming part of the the witches but was still pure and good".

Then the doorbell rang and Selma ran to answer it.A boy Sabrina thought looked like her walked in. Then it hit her. Her last name was also Victian and her dad always talked about her having a long lost twin brother. She sat there looking shell shocked. When they both walked in Selma ran to her and asked her "Whats wrong dear ?". Sabrina said " I I think thats my long lost twin brother." Sabrina answered.

Selma looked astonished. "How?". Is all Selma said. I -I don't know Sabrina thought ,but was to busy looking at Chase and Chase looked at her. They almost looked exactly a-like. Same hair, same eyes, same high cheekbones, and heck same skin tone. They both looked a lot like there mother. Only difference was their eye color was different from their mom's. The I mom died when they were 2. She had orange hair. Like them. She was short like Sabrina. But Chase is tall from his father. Sabrina tho is only 4"11. While Chase is 6"7. Their mother had green eyes tho. Otherwise they looked completely like her. Sabrina finally broke the silence. "Hi-i I am Sabrina. Chase responded "I know".

(Sabrina's P.O.V)

I then asked him "wanna play 20 questions in the living room?" Sure ". He replied.

We then walked into the living room. "You go first ". I said. "Okay. Whats your faveorite food? Chase replied. "Ice creeam. Where were you all those years you have missed?'' I responded. He looked at me with that "you don't wanna know" looks. So I droped it and ask another question. So then I asked him "Do you have a girlfriend"? 

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 21, 2014 ⏰

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