My father walked to get the remote for the TV and turn it on. He put on the new channel and my eyes widened when I saw a breaking news about an accident in the road involving three police cars and two civilian vehicles. One policeman died by gun shot.

Gun shot? What?

"They were ambushed, Dayu ah." Lao answered my silent question. "A group of men took Heise. We are afraid that they helped him to escape."

"Oh my," I lean heavily to Wang Qing and put my head on his chest. Then I look up at him. "Baozang? Where is she? Does she knows?" My first concern is her. Heise took her. She...

"My father is guarding her. He tripled her protection details. She is not allowed to get out of the Palace for now." Qing looked at Lao. "You talked to Uncle Shouwei while we are on the way here. Did you ask him about my sister?"

Lao nodded, "The Princess is angry. She is asking why she needs to hide when she is not afraid of that lower than maggot son of a..." Lao looked at my mother and winced. "She uses colorful and unflaterring descriptions on him."

"Oh I hope she did," my mother said.

My eyes remained on Qing, "What will you do?"

Qing looked at my father first before answering. "Take you and guard you. I will be more careful this time."

I look at my father who sighed, "I want to talk to the King. I think we better go with you to the Palace. Yue, get ready..."

Qing and I breathed in relief. At least my father is not saying his outright no's to Qing's plan of keeping me with him.

My parents and I just changed our clothes. My mom put the dishes she had cooked in containers to take to the Palace. "I will serve this to the Queen Dowager. She loves my stews." My mother sure can lighten the tension filled mood on our home.

I rode with Qing, Lao and Chong in the Prince's SUV while my Baba drove his car with my mother.

When we got to the Palace, we were welcomed by the King and Mr.Shouwei. Lao had called in advance to alert them of our arrival.

"Xin," The King greeted my father. "Let's talk," my father said before turning to Qing. "You can come too," he said.

"What about me?" I asked my Baba. I want to come to the meeting too.

"No," my father shook his head. "Go with your mother and say hello to the Queen Dowager and the Queen."

I was shocked. "But Baba..."

"Just follow him, Dayu ah." Qing stopped me and kissed my lips before walking with the King and my father. Lao winced at me and pat my shoulder before following with Mr.Shouwei. Chong just sighed and followed suit.

They were all invited to the Big Boys meeting except for me? What? Why?!

I mean really...why?!

"Dayu ah..." my mother took my arm and pass the bags with the food container to me. "Come now. You will know everything because Qing will relay that meeting to you. Don't worry."

She walked inside the Palace first. I was left there on the ground floor, staring around. I noticed more people in a security uniform inside the Palace. Looks like everyone are in high alert after the disappearance of the person who kidnapped and hostage the Royal Princess.

I sighed. Well, Qing better told me what that meeting is all about. If he doesn't do that, I will really strangle him. How dare they exclude me? The future Consort...oh damn!

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