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Scene III: Sky High school's chemistry lab. Morning.

(There is a guy with a white lab coat sitting in one of the work tables. He puts some chemical materials in a beaker while he looks his notebook under his arm on the table.)

Bobby: (focused) Okay...slowly or this could explode and everyone here could die.

(The door of the lab opens and Johnny enters to the room. He looks serious with his hands inside the pockets of his black leather jacket while he chews a gum. All looks are in him while he walks quietly in Bobby's direction.)

Narrator: Alexa told Johnny to be a rebel and rude guy, a bad boy like the ones in the movies. After taking some stuff from his closet, Johnny was determined to change his appearance and attitude to the character that could catch the girl's attention. Even if that means to change his own heart too...

(Johnny takes a sit close to Bobby, who stops what he's doing and turns his head to Johnny's face.)

Bobby: (smiling) Johnny! I thought that you are not going to come, buddy. It's almost the end of the class.

Johnny: (ironical) School is for nerds. I'm here just because it's better to stay at home and handle with my stupid parents.

(Bobby seems confused, putting all the chemical things aside and looking at his friend with a funny smile.)

Bobby: What are you talking about, Johnny? You love your parents and coming to the school.

Johnny: (with a serious face) No, I don't. I want to escape from this freaking hell right now, punch some nerds in the face and have a ride on my motorcycle, dude.

(Bobby blinks and starts to laugh. Johnny looks angry but at the same time disappointed.)

Bobby: (without ceasing to laugh) Oh my god, Johnny, you are so funny! That bad boy performance almost killed me! So comic, dude!

Johnny: (nervous) I-I'm not acting anything, Bobby. I'm like this, this is me, you know.

Bobby: (sarcastic and laughing) Of course you are! You are bad as a little bunny! The little bunny Johnny!

(Bobby starts to punch the table while he has a laughing fit. Johnny seems to give up, frowning his eyebrows and squeezing his lips with frustration.)

Johnny: (exasperated) Bobby, stop mocking me. I really tried my best.

Bobby: (trying to recover the breath and slowly stopping his laugh) Your best? Your best in what, Johnny?

Johnny: Alexa told me that I was bored and not popular, so I tried to be the opposite.

Bobby: With a bad and rude attitude? God, what kind of dumb movies did you watch?

(Johnny shrugs his shoulders, feeling a little ashamed.)

Johnny: I just...tried my best.

(Johnny sighs and rests his head slowly on the table, Bobby just looks at him with a curious face.)

Johnny: (against the table) Being an arrogant guy? Done. Being a bad guy? Done. But I failed in both and now...I feel so lost.

Bobby: What are you saying? I can't hear you, Johnny.

Johnny: (more clearly) That I'm done, Bobby. I tried everything and still don't work. To whom I lie? I'm just a loser.

Bobby: Yes, you are.

(Johnny looks at Bobby without moving his head from the table. Bobby smiles to him.)

Bobby: (happily) You are a loser, too shy, your ears are weird, sometimes your voice sounds like a girl...

Johnny: (whispering sarcastically) More defects? Don't tell me, "no offense".

Bobby: No offense.

Johnny: (sighning) I knew it.

Bobby: But you can change!

Johnny: Enough!

(Johnny gets up abruptly from his seat, Bobby jumps a little in his place and looks at him pale and disconcerted. Everyone in the room looks at them.)

Johnny: (angry) "No offense"!? "No offense"!? You think that if you say that it's not going to hurt!?

Bobby: (confused) J-Johnny, buddy, calm down...

Johnny: I'm sick of all yours "No offense"! I'm really tired of it! Of course I feel offended!

(Johnny stops chewing gum, he spits the gum to one side of the floor and takes off his jacket. Johnny throws sharply the jacket to the floor and looks up to Bobby.)

Johnny: (annoyed) Do you think that change is so easy? Do you think it doesn't hurt to hear all my defects from the people I call "friends"?

(Bobby stays quiet, looking pale and without words to say to Johnny. He just licks his lips angrily and shakes his head.)

Johnny: A friend should accept you as you are...and if they don't accept me as I am, they are not my friends after all.

(Johnny gives a last look to Bobby and walks out the chemistry lab.)

Narrator: That was the moment when Johnny understands something. Every person who he talked with said the same, that he had a lot of defects and should change. But they had any idea of how that he felt? To know all the bad points or attitudes that you have from their mouths? No, they didn't. And that was the main reason why Johnny's heart felt broken and hurt that day while he ran away to his home. 

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