Chapter Five

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When class was finished, they hurried to the spot they saw the well. But there wasn't anything there. No footprints in the dirt leading in or out of the woods. And nothing to show that a well had ever been there. It was like they vanished off the face of the earth.

Morticia gave an angry groan as she muttered,"This is absolute bullcrap. I know there was something here earlier..."

"It might've just been something made by the ghost.",Raven suggested. She knew it was probably what the well was but it still annoyed her to no end. All she wanted was her own proof that this was real. Mostly because she didn't know how to ask the girl who had the picture. And as they walked, she asked,"Do you think we could convince the girl who has a picture to send it to my phone?"

"Probably not.",Raven answered. After all, she didn't know either of them. It was highly unlikely that she'd share something like that with them. They weren't friends and she'd probably just tell them that she was kidding. Or something like that. Morticia sighed as she said,"It was worth a shot."

Walking towards her house, they talked about getting their own evidence. Using their phone sounded like a smart decision. But one of the teachers could easily take their phone away and they might not be able to send the pictures to each other. So they talked about getting a small throw away camera. One that was cheap and easy to hide in their back pack. They decided to grab one from the convenience store that they worked at. There were various cameras in there along with throw away phones. It wouldn't be too hard to just buy one. And as they talked about who should take the picture, Morticia's phone rang. Pulling it out of her pocket, she said,"It's Mom. Maybe Stephanie's awake now?"

When she answered it, her Mom asked,"How far away from home are you right now?"

"Three blocks, I think. Is Steph-""Stephanie's the same as she was last night there hasn't been a change in her condition.",Peggy said. Her voice sounded sad and distant. It took her a minute to continue,"I just wanted to know if you'd like to visit her since I'm going back up to the hospital."

"Yes, I'd like to see her.",she said. Morticia told her where exactly they were and she told them to wait. When she hung up, she said,"Well the good news is that Stephanie's condition hasn't gotten worse. But the bad news is that she still isn't awake."

"Maybe her body has another problem that the Doctor's missed?",Raven offered. Then immediately regretted suggesting. Her girlfriend didn't need to have a paranoid idea like that in her head. And she toyed with her backpack straps as Morticia said,"I think you might be right about that."

That wasn't as explosive or worried as she thought it would be. Raven glanced at her girlfriend's face as they waited for her Mom. The look on her face was thoughtful. Though she guessed Tish was trying to put up a brave face. Not wanting her or her mother to worry about her. Taking her hand, she squeezed it briefly and gently. In a gentle voice she said,"Things'll be okay, Morticia. I promise that she'll be fine and she's going to wake up soon."

Nodding her head, she side hugged her tight as she gave a soft sigh. She wanted so much to believe her but it was hard. The situation seemed so bleak that she couldn't see anyway that Stephanie would heal from it. Kissing Raven's cheek and she thanked her for her words. They held hands as Peggy drove up to them. Only letting go to get into the car, both sitting next to each other in the back seat. Morticia tossed her backpack in the way back along with Raven's bag. Taking her hand after they buckled up. Each girl giving her Mother a gentle Hello before she pulled away. It was fairly quiet in the car and they tried to talk to each other as they made their way. But it felt too awkward to talk. Peggy couldn't find a topic to keep their attention and Morticia was too focused on Stephanie. Raven felt like she didn't belong as she listened to them speak together. So she took out her phone and started typing a few texts to other friends. Planning a little get together so they could catch up on things. Setting up a time and date. Each of them had been busy with either school or work that they hadn't hung out.  She felt like a bad friend for not spending as much time with them as she should've. 

They decided to pick that Saturday to go to Starbucks. She smiled as she put her phone back in her pocket. Raven realized that they were almost at the Hospital. Both Peggy and Morticia were quiet. And she noticed that Morticia was picking at her skin as they pulled into the parking lot. So she took her hand gently and rubbed her knuckles with her thumb lightly. When she turned to her, she gave her a small smile. It helped her calm down somewhat. Peggy parked her car in the visitor's parking lot. They all hurried into the hospital as they chatted about bringing Stephanie gifts. Morticia suggested that they get her some flowers and a large teddy bear. And they tried to find some that Stephanie would like.

Unfortunately there weren't a lot of flowers. But they picked the prettiest ones that they could find. Some lilies, roses and tulips. Raven found a teddy that had a little heart shaped pillow in its hands. It said 'Get well soon'.  Which felt somewhat appropriate for the situation. They paid for the items and hurried to Stephanie's room. There was a nurse leaving her room with a clipboard. The nurse barely paid attention to them as she moved to a different room. Morticia hurried into the room and to her sister's side. Stephanie looked so frail laying in the bed. Her hands were resting on her stomach. 

They couldn't stay with her for long. Peggy spent most the time they had telling her that she loved her. When they left the hospital, Morticia saw the little pale girl standing by the woods. Her dark little eyes focused on her as she smiled and waved at them. Then slowly faded away into the shadows.

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