I Know-Do You?

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"Tell me what you mean. "

I don't understand. I don't know what this reasons mean. I thought l did somehow.

"You don't, so don't try to." Rebecca said.

I moved my head a fraction so that l am directly looking at her. "Do you know?" I had asked her as her hazel eyes bored holes in my lifeless eyes.

I remember. She had stuttered. "O-of course l-l do. I know e-everything. I have eyes and ears everywhere." How cliché.

"If you do, then tell me Rebecca what is his priority in life?" Please don't know. I only want to know. Don't find out. It's only for me to know, not you Rebecca.

"Me." Pathetic.

"How exactly is he your priority?" I said through gritted teeth. Anger. Is it a crime? No.

"I am because am only his. He only loves me." Her face held so much determination. For what? I don't care.

"You can't just assume things like that dear Rebecca..." I trailed off. My throat felt like it was on fire. A fire that held no flame and smoke.

She scoffed. "I don't assume things Jaime. He told me. It was so romantic h-"

I cut her off. "Jessica."

"What?" She had leaned closer.

I narrowed my eyes at her as my hands shook violently at my side. "Jessica. My name is Jessica." I shakily let out.

Now she scoffed. Touchè. "Do l look like l care? I have someone who loves me unlike yo-"

Once again l had cut her off. Not with words-action.

I sent a harsh slap l could master on her cheek that resulted a loud echo in the empty bathroom. I remember.

I had walked away.

Not from her.

My reflection.

There in the bathroom is a glass ,a mirror. We are not best friends. We don't understand each other. We don't know each other.

We know each others rage. Pathetic?

No. Far from it. Am not pathetic.

I am human with a messed up life and shattered emotions that can't be fixed.

We have that in common.

We are not friends.

But we are common.

A bond.

Not friends.

Alexander Fleming. Are you insane? Rebecca? Really? Why not me. Why her?

Why not me?

I cried tears. I am human. I am supposed to.

I cried.

A lot.

"I love you Rebecca Winters."

I broke. I am human.

I cried. Screamed. Thrashed.

I broke.

Why didn't you love me?

I am human.

I stopped breathing.

I am human. Am l?

"I love you Alexander Fleming. Why not me?"

I am human.

I surrendered. I remember. I want to forget. I can't. I remember. Do you Rebecca?

"You surrendered. Of course l remember Jamie,l do." She laughed liked she just cracked a joke. I don't understand. I don't want to. I tried. I just don't.

"It's Jessica."



Their love. I wasn't loved. Not yet. Were you?

No. Pause. Rewind.

Are you loved? Hopefully yes.


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