The Slaying Riddle

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(The chapter has been published in the leading English Daily of Sikkim, Sikkim Express in their Story Series Section in their 22nd September, 2017 and 23rd September, 2017 editions.)

The detectives arrived on the scene perplexed by the recurrence of what seemed impossible to them. Mr. Solomon Grady was put in charge of the case and soon the newspaper flashed a new headline - The Riddler of Wolfpine Returns?

"What do you think of this Brad?" Mr. Grady questioned his partner Mr. Brad Turner after retrieving the body from where it hung.

"Looks like him," replied Mr. Brad. "This isn't the way it should be Sol. I have a bad feeling to this."

I watched them silently from the corner of the house as they quizzed the people around. No one seemed to have any clue about the murder or was pretending to know nothing about it as the detectives would say to each other during their private assessment sessions. At length they saw me standing and observing them at the distant. With a hand gesture they asked me to approach them. I walked to them and waited for them to ask questions.

"I am Detective Solomon Grady from the Homicide Bureau of Wolfpine and this is my partner Detective Brad Turner," said Mr. Grady introducing themselves to me. "Now we observed that you were standing and looking onto our proceeding. This makes us wonder whether you know something that you want to tell us or are you trying to cover something we don't know of?"

"My name Alec Wolfe," I replied smiling. "I used to work for the deceased Mr. Hunter. I came this morning like the rest of his workers to mark our attendance. It was his rule that the workers ought to come in person and sign the register he would bring out each morning before going to work. Does following a rule make me a criminal?"

"That is very clever boy," Mr. Turner spoke, "but you haven't answered our question yet. What were you doing standing around the corner listening to the proceedings?"

"I was observing what you were trying to observe," I replied. "Mr. Hunter's death did not surprise me at all. I was there the day they hanged The Riddler in public. His last words prophesized his return. Mr. Hunter has wronged everyone of his employees in more than one ways Mr. Grady."

"What exactly were you observing boy?" asked Mr. Turner.

"The way Mr. Hunter's neck was broken before he was hung by the rope," I replied. "He was killed before he was hung with that note, a style which should be familiar to the Homicide Department without doubt."

An eerie silence ensued wherein Mr. Turner and I had an awkward eye contact with both of us staring right into each other and none showing any sign of backing or fear. "What do you know?" questioned Mr. Turner grabbing my shoulders tightly.

"Easy now," hissed Mr. Grady as he broke Mr. Turner's grip. Pulling Mr. Turner aside he whispered angrily, "What do you think you were doing back there Brad?"

"I know he knows a lot about this incident," he hissed back. "Don't you see Sol, he is mocking us!"

"We have no proof and he might as well be misleading us," Mr. Grady whispered angrily. "You are getting played by a boy Brad. Take control of your emotions. My guts like yours tell me that something is wrong here but my brain also warns me to tread with caution. We must collect evidence before acting!"

"This is awkward," I said laughing. "I approach you with no ill intention and you start a fight out of nothing. My father did warn me about men like you."

"Really?" asked Mr. Turner. "Who is your father anyway?"

"What does it matter anyway," I replied before turning around and starting to walk away. "Not that anyone remembers him anymore after his death."

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