was injured...

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                The doctor said it was a good thing that Kent was not able to break my nose or else I’m going to need surgery and that’s the least I wanted to do because if my parents knew about what just happened to me tonight, they are never ever going to let me off to another one next time.

Though I was kind of enjoying the whole time they were placing bondage upon my ankle, because Terence was there looking at me in awe. “You really made yourself a hero today.” Finally! The world is starting to give me the perks of taking that punch!

                I smiled back. Oh Terence, if being with you is the prize of being hit like this then I’d suffer the consequences. “Well, if being a hero means almost breaking my nose and spraining my ankle then yep, I made myself a hero today.” I answered quite truthfully.

                “No…” He denied in chuckle and somehow his face started to become sincere. “Being a hero means saving someone…and you saved Ace, to that, thank you.” His azure eyes were sparkling with gratitude that I actually came to regret regretting about taking that punch. Ah…the perks of being a hero

                I somehow chortled. “Well, it’s kind of hard to see him being flocked by girls with a nose like this” I joked as I pointed my own nose. “I’m not sure if he and his girls could manage it but for what it’s worth it’ll make me think twice about the definition of handsome.” I continued which made him chuckle a little. Ah…the perks…

                “Well, he’s got his manly ways of his own so I think he’ll manage even with a broken nose.” He answered in chuckle.

                “Yeah, he’ll definitely manage even with a broken mind” I added quite truthfully and kind of panicked after realizing I just said that out loud. But since Terence laughed to it, I let my worries go. Really…if it only weren’t for my nose and my ankle, I am loving the situation right now.

                To his laugh, I confidently smiled back. “Ah…now, how am I supposed to reign the beautiful world out there if my nose is like this?” I delivered the line like a natural born queen bee. And yes, I was joking about the bandage plastered on my nose.

                Terence caught my humor and continued laughing. “Don’t worry; you’re still beautiful despite your nose.” I smiled and kind of giggled at that sentence outside but deep inside, I was panicking. I am not sure how to take that sentence. Was that a joke or not? I think it is but I am not so sure. Oh gosh…Terence…why do you have to make my heart skip like this? Oh how I wish time would freeze and we would be like this forever…

                “Hey, Ace, how was it?” Sadly though, I am not the world’s favorite because the minute I wished for time to freeze, the door opened and let that oh so hateful Ace come in.

                “It didn’t take time at the cashier since Uncle was there, and basically, she’s done so we could all go home now.” He nonchalantly answered as he placed his black credit card back on his wallet. He then gave me one of those weirdest look I have never ever deciphered coming from him. I weirdly looked back at him.

                “What?” I asked somehow impending on my tune.

                “I hope you know quite well what will come after you after this.”

                “Are you speaking in tongues?” And I mean what I was asking. I don’t quite understand him. Well, I never did anyway.

                I think I really am getting on to his nerves now as he sighed and irritatingly looked unto my eyes. I just innocently gazed back unto his hazel once and smiled. Well, he has wonderful hazel eyes. His iris is so bright and shiny…it was actually lovely…

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