Chapter 17

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Ella's POV

I can't believe he used me like that, I'm the only one who uses people.

The car ride is silent after my girl Taylor finished her hit song.  We got home and we went to our rooms.  I go to the bathroom and take a shower. I get out and put a comfortable shirt and sweatpants on and went to the bed. I got under the covers and tried to sleep, but I couldn't. I kept waking up and it was annoying. I had to swallow my pride. I wanted sleep and there was only one way to accomplish this. 

I slowly got up and opened my door. Gina had went to bed, so there was no reason to be sneaky. I went to his door and stood there for a minute. I took a gulp and opened the door. I slowly got in and shut the door as quiet as I could. I went over to his bed and just watched him while he faced away from me.

"I'm not going to bite you", he muttered

I rolled my eyes and got in the bed. I turned away from him and he turned so he was looking at my back. We both moved so we were closer and soon his arm wrapped around my waist. He put his face in the crook of my neck

"I thought you weren't coming",  he whispered and I could tell he was smirking.

"I couldn't sleep", I whispered back

"Are you gonna stay the whole night", he whispered

"I don't know", I mumbled

"Good night Cupcake"

"Night Nerd"


Danielle's POV

"Do you think they'll end up together", I ask Keaton as we walk to our cars

"I don't know, but probably", he said

"Okay Sweetie. You might think you're talking loud, but you're not", I say

"I don't know, but probably", he said louder

"There ya go", I smiled

"I'm just not used to", he said

"Me", I asked

"Talking to popular people", he finished

"I'm not popular"

He stopped in his tracks

"Okay I am. But that is not the point", I say

"Then what is", he asked

"The point is that I'm not a bitch"

He raises an eyebrow

"Shut up"

He laughs that cute laugh. My weakness.

"I'm just not like people say. Like I have feelings, I'm not ruthless. I don't bully anyone"

"Go on", he says as we start walking again

"I don't just go around and make out with dumb jocks just because I want to. I do it because it takes off steam because I can't have who I want. It sucks", I say honestly

"You could have anyone"

"This guy isn't as easy as them. He's a challenge and I love it", I smile at the trees

"Who is it", he asked

"I'll tell you some day", I smile

"Does Ella know"

"Duh. Yes. I'm sorry but Ella knows everything, just like I know everything", I laugh

"Just I'm not as special then", he says

My heart breaks

"I'll tell you something no one knows"

"Not even Ella", he asks

I shake my head

"Okay", he smiles

I whisper in his ear

"Really", he asked

I nodded shyly

"Now I feel special", he smiles

"You better not tell anyone", I warn

"I wont", he says and makes a cross over his heart

I smile as we reach our cars

Loving the Nerd (Reversed Roles) COMPLETEDWhere stories live. Discover now