The Thought That Counts

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          There were many places where pepper would rather be at this exact moment. Possibly on a beach or at the spa, not her bosses couch working late. She enjoyed her job, it's a challenge dragging Tony Stark' around and cleaning up after his Iron Man messes but that's what she likes about it. What she doesn't like is staying till 2 in the morning working when she has to be up at 5 the next morning. She groaned and set her laptop aside to giver her tired eyes a break, her body ached and groaned as she got up and walked to the coffee machine and poured herself a new cup of coffee. She slowly drank it as her eyes wandered about the quiet mansion, her attention was drawn to the clock on the stove that read 2:37. "Jarvis i'm going to take a nap" Pepper raspily called out "Could you wake me up in 30 minutes?" She set her coffee and strolled back to the couch and layed down "Of Course Ms. Potts." Jarvis replied dimming the lights and Peppers eyes became heavy as her breaths became deeper and deeper.

          "You know I would have let you sleep in the guest room if you asked" Tony chuckled setting a cup of coffee on the coffee table, Pepper shot up and squinted in the sunlight. "What? What time is it?" Pepper asked in a daze "About 8 in the morning." Tony replied picking Pepper's laptop up off the ground and setting it on the table. "Jarvis I asked you to wake me up!" Pepper hissed looking up at the ceiling "I tried ma'am, but you wouldn't wake up." the AI responded sympathetically "I would have woke you up" Tony chimed in slumping down onto the couch "But you looked so peaceful." He smiled. "That's creepy." Pepper grumbled getting up and walking away from the couch "That's not creepy you were sleeping on my couch" Tony pointed out getting up and making a gesture. "Well the way you said it made it seem like-" Pepper interjected turning to him "Yeah I know but I wasn't." He justified picking up the coffee cup and walking over to her. "I need to go. I'm already late and you have a list of things to do" Pepper droned on until Tony put the cup of coffee in her hands. She looked at it then looked at him with a confused look. "I made it for you. I hope it's okay." He smiled, his eyes were soft and he had a warm smile. She looked back down at the cup as Tony walked away to the workshop stairs. "Thank you Mr. Stark" Pepper smiled, voice shook a bit. It was hard to hide the fact that she was touched. "You're welcome Mrs. Potts." Tony sang out walking down to the workshop, she looked at the coffee again and smiled. She sipped it and jolted a bit. It was, well to put it lightly horrible but she drank it anyway. It's the thought that counts right?

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