The Twin's House

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Class ended and you scurried out of the room. You didn't know where to go next so you waited outside the class for Hikaru and Kaoru to come out. After a few moments the twins walked out the door. They smiled and walked up to you.

"Just a few more classes okay?" Hikaru said, patting you on the head. You blushed a bit and nodded.

You went to second hour, followed by third and fourth. Until finally, your first day at Ouran, was over.

"(Y/N)!" You heard someone yell from behind you. You, Hikaru, and Kaoru turned around. You saw Kendrick running towards you.

"Oh hi," you said. Kendrick hovered over you, giving you a handsome smile, "well how was your first day?!" He happily asked.

"It was fine," you plainly said. You glanced at Kaoru and saw he was eyeing Kendrick suspiciously. "So uh.. I'm going to Hikaru and Kaoru's house," you gestured towards the twins who were standing on either side of you, "tell mom my first day was... Alright... And uh.. I'll be home by 7??" You glanced curiously at Hikaru who nodded.

"Oh, alrighty then! Have fun!" Kendrick excitedly said, patting you on the head and running off.

You sighed in relief. Hikaru and Kaoru grabbed your arms and tugged you in the other direction. "We live close to Ouran, lets walk home," Kaoru said, smiling. You nodded shyly and continued walking. You followed the twins until you stopped at a giant mansion. It was bigger than yours! And a lot prettier. Everything looked so shiny and expensive you couldn't help but gasp. You saw Hikaru smirk out of the corner of your eye.

The twins opened the doors to their house. Your eyes widened, it was so beautiful. Kaoru grabbed your arm and pulled you up some stairs and down a few hallways.

"Is anyone home?" You asked quietly.

"Yea, but they're working," Hikaru responded.

Kaoru let go of your arm in front of a door. He then opened the door. It was a room. It had one bed, a nightstand, a drawer, and a few other household objects scattered around.

"This is our room!" The twins said in unison. They then pushed you inside and closed the door shut behind them.

"So... uh.. why did you bring me here again?" You shyly asked, playing with the sleeves of your dress.

"To get to know you better, of course!" Hikaru said, grabbing your arm and lightly pulling you towards the bed. He sat down and then patted the bed, gesturing for you to sit.

"Why are you so shy?" Kaoru asked, sitting on the other side of you.

"I...I don't know..." you mumbled, blushing a bit. You weren't used to this much attention, except from Kendrick. Kendrick understood how shy you were. It made you happy knowing that somebody, at least one person noticed and cared for you.

"Hmm.." Hikaru hummed. He then looked at you and said, "you're really pretty!"

He changed the topic. Your cheeks flushed a light pink.

"Uh... Thanks..." you muttered. You didn't know what else to say. You couldn't say, oh I know. Because you didn't know.

"Hikaru is right!" Kaoru said happily, he patted you on the shoulder. "I'm surprised more guys haven't gone head over heels for you yet!"

You blushed even more. You guessed your face was completely red.

"Uh... uh thanks... So uh... What do you wanna do," you said, trying to quickly change the topic.

"Right uh, what do you wanna do?" Hikaru asked curiously.

"I don't know.." You said standing up. You walked to the other end of the room and back.

"Do you like movies?" Kaoru said, standing up, followed by Hikaru.

"Yeah..." you quietly said.

"Do you like horror movies?" Hikaru smirked.

"Uh..." you said, completely dumbfounded. You'd never watched a horror movie. Hikaru pulled you onto the bed. You laid down next to Hikaru and then Kaoru laid on the other side of you. Hikaru turned on the TV. He then started flipping through channels until he found something. He then set the remote down and watched the movie.

"Is this a horror movie?" You asked curiously.

"Yup!" Kaoru said, smirking.

"Is it scary?" You asked worriedly.

"Not to us," Hikaru said. He wrapped his arm around you. You blushed and tried focusing on the movie.

Something scary was gonna happen soon, you knew it so you covered your eyes with your hands and tried blocking out all the sound with your thoughts but that didn't work.

"Are you scared?" Kaoru asked, grinning.

"Ya, kinda," you mumbled barely loud enough for Hikaru and Kaoru to hear. You noticed the sound from the TV stopped. You removed your hands from your eyes and then began to calm down.

"Sorry, I didn't mean to scare you," Hikaru sympathetically said, pulling you closer to him. He pulled you so close your cheeks brushed against each other. You blushed uncontrollably and tried covering your face but Kaoru pulled your hands away.

"Hey Hikaru, she's blushing!" Kaoru smirked.

"She is?! Well you know what that means!" Hikaru said, a smirk spreading across his face.

"She must like us!" They said in unison.

"W-what?" You asked shocked.

"You like us,don't you?" Hikaru asked, still smirking.

"As friends," you lied, you hoped you didn't stutter, or your voice didn't crack.

"Uh huh... Well what if we asked you out!?" Kaoru asked desperately.

"I.. uh... I don't know?" You hurriedly said.

"Well then, wanna date?" The twins asked in unison.

"I...Um... I should ask Kendrick-" you started but Kaoru cut you off.

"You don't need permission to have a crush on someone," Kaoru chuckled, pulling you closer to him. He wrapped his arm around your waist and pulled you into his chest. "So what will it be?" He asked seductively.

"Uh... Sure....." you blushed madly. You couldn't help it.

"Awww!" Hikaru said, standing up and hugging you.

Thanks For Noticing Me (Hikaru x Reader x Kaoru)Where stories live. Discover now