Chapter 1

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Jacks pov.
Shit I lost it, fuck where is it I say letting out a fustrated sigh. Letting my head fall heavily and hit my new locker.

5 minutes into the first day of school at my new school and I've already lost my schedule. Great!

I open my locker rubbing my now bruised head, checking one last time to see if I had any change of luck.

I let out a small cry, whyy?! Why me. Then dropping to the floor with my back on my locker and head in my knees.

"Hey are you okay?" I hear a boy's voice question me sounding concerned.

Yeah, I um just lost my schedule I say looking up a little just to set my eyes on the floor trying not to seem rude.

"Well, it just so happens that I found a schedule earlier this morning and it might be yours, you can have a look if you want?" The boy says half smirking at me.

I finally look up at him to be met with his brown eyes staring intently back at me, I blush a little at the sudden shock and try to stand up but slip.

But before I could fall and hit the ground ruining my day even more, I felt a quick arm snake around my waist grabbing a hold of me before I could fall causing myself even more embarrassment.

"Woah" the boy says almost laughing, but still with a concerned half smile on his face.

"Here, I think this is what you where looking for" he removed his hand from my waist and grabbed a folded up paper from his pocket and handed it to me.

I open it to be unhappily greated by someone else's schedule, this isn't mine I say sighing for what seems like the 100th time today.

"Oh" the boy says disappointed.

Thanks anyway I say looking up to meet his eyes once more, before turning to walk away.

"Wait, we can walk down to guidance and get you a new schedule" the boy says almost to quickly.

Uhh.. sure I say not knowing why this stranger is wanting to help me so much,

"Come on it's the least I could do" the boy says smiling a full smile at me this time.

Okay I say,

I'm Finn by the way the boy says scratching the back of his neck awkwardly,

Nice to meet you finn, I'm jack.

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