A While Back

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//AN: This takes place around when Lloyd is like..idk..3 months? Oneshot revolves around younger Garm and Koko//


That's all Garmadon heard these days. Crying.

"Hey honey, can you take care of Lloyd this time? I'm making his bottle right now." His wife, Koko, called from the kitchen. Garmadon sighed. Garmadon was doing important stuff; sitting on the couch and watching the news. Though, he figured the baby would be more important than his daily news watching. Grumbling, he heaved himself off the couch and stretched his four arms out, a satisfying crack coming out of one of them. He sighed and began to walk down the hallway. Garmadon was dreading this. He did not want to change another one of his son's 'explosions' as he called it. The crying started to grow.

"Yeah, yeah I get it. I'm coming you little monster." He grumbled under his breath, coming up to the door of the baby's room. Garmadon remembered that Lloyd was scared easily, so he didn't shove the door open like he would've liked. Instead, he took the knob gently and opened the door at a slow pace. The crying seemed to get a hundred times louder when he opened that door, making him flinch a bit. The crying didn't stop him from walking in though. The warlord went into the green decorated room and over to the large, white painted crib. It wasn't a fancy crib at all. It looked pretty makeshift, but it was safe and that's what counted to Koko and Garmadon. Their baby was still crying his eyes out in the crib as expected. Garmadon sighed again.

"Alright greenie," He spoke with a soft voice. "What's up?"

The baby sniffled and seemed to stop it's screaming knowing that his dad was present. He whined and made a grabby hand motion up at his dad. Garmadon gave Lloyd a 'wow, really' kind of look.

"That's what you interrupted my 'important stuff' time for? You wanted a hug?!" He jokingly hissed. Lloyd's gentle gaze stayed on Garmadon. Something about those green eyes really drove Garmadon's heart into the wall. Garmadon always thought it would've been nice if his son inherited his red eyes, but those green ones...really made his chest swell. He couldn't help but to love them. To him, they were the greatest enemy on Earth.

"Fiiine." Garmadon grumbled, leaning into the crib. He took Lloyd into his multiple arms, cautious with carrying him out of the baby's resting place.

"There we go. Are we better now?" The warlord grinned, holding Lloyd close to him. The baby squealed, all signs of tears and sadness ultimately gone. Lloyd gripped onto Garmadon's baggy grey shirt, happily whining. Garmadon couldn't help himself and let a small chuckle escape.

"You just wanted to spend some time with your old man, huh?" Garmadon laughed, Lloyd letting out another squeal. The warlord made his way out of the room with Lloyd in his careful arms. He walked back out to the living room and sat himself back down on the couch, huddling the baby close.

"Ook Garmy, bottle is ready!~" Koko sang, coming from the kitchen.

"Niiice." Garmadon replied, bouncing the baby in his arms a little bit. Koko smiled and went over to the two.

"How are my two boys?" She said in her usual sing-songy voice to the baby. She took his small hand into her free hand, making Lloyd even more happier. He showed how happy he was by letting out a screech, making both parents cringe.

"He's...excited." Garmadon chuckled, patting the kid's back.


Koko raised the bottle up to Lloyd's eyes, shaking it a bit to grab Lloyd's attention efficiently. This shut Lloyd up, the blonde baby staring at the bottle.

"Hungry?" Koko giggled, getting a garbled reply out of her son. Koko made sure the bottle was ready while Garmadon kept bouncing Lloyd.

"Would Dad like to do the honors?" Garmadon's wife asked, making sure the bottle was screwed together. Koko knew that Garmadon really enjoyed feeding his son. It made him feel useful, she thought. Garmadon just took the bottle, apparently excited to start.

"Alright Luh-Lloyd, ready?" The dark lord grinned. His son cried out, patting Garmadon's shirt roughly. Garmadon put the rubber part of the bottle up to Lloyd's mouth, which Lloyd gladly bit onto. The baby sent his small arms outward to steady the bottle. Garmadon smiled widely. He always had a soft spot for moments like these. He loved his son and he loved caring for him. Garmadon held the bottle as Lloyd kept at it, a sigh coming out from him. Koko sat down on the couch and looked at Garmadon. She giggled again. She always knew he would be a good dad. The ginger put her arms around Garmadon as he fed the child, resting her head on his shoulder.

They were a family.

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