"Mmm, Cole. Wanna see the other ways I've grown?"

What? I hadn't meant to project that thought.

My mind was whirling from him being near me after so long. His scent, his presence in my mind, and hi—Sh-Shit! He was grinding against me. Before I could even think of a non-predatory response, my wolf roared inside my head and made me spin around to attack...but he was gone.

"What...the hell...?"

I began looking around, but as soon as I took a step, I felt something stiff in my pocket.
Pulling it out, my brow furrowed. It was a hotel key to the Hilton down the street, room 283.

I had no idea why I was there. Hell, I should've been back home grading papers, not standing in front of a damn door that would just lead me to nowhere. What would we even do? Talking was highly doubtful, considering we were both alphas and stubborn. What else was there left to do?

Alright, I'm just gonna put the key card inside and then leave. He should be done with his concert by now anyway since I stayed for a few songs...though I don't know why, again.

With a tired sigh, I opened the door and stepped inside.


The room was huge and even had a kitchenette and a hot tub. Okay, I was a little jealous of what he had accomplished, but that quickly washed away with my pride. I'd saved him from those woods, and now he was an amazing young man. That was all I needed to know. With a calm smile, I set the key card down on his dresser and headed for the door.

"Time to go get some dinner," I thought to myself out loud with a small smile on my lips. I wasn't exactly paying attention to what was going on at that moment since I had finished what I'd needed to do. So when the door suddenly slammed open, it smacked me right in the face.


The room spun as I stumbled backward, landing on something soft and bouncing slightly on my back. My hand was on my nose, but thankfully I didn't feel any blood.

Phew. That's all I need. A bum eye and a broken nose.

The click of the door's lock snapped me back to attention right away, though, making me sit up and glue my gaze to who was now standing in front of the door.


I quickly jumped to my feet and walked over, stopping about a yard away so that I didn't elicit a challenge. This was his territory, or at least he was staying here for now.

Hmm, well, I guess I should just say good-bye and go now...and maybe he'll unlock the door. My mind added, making me inwardly sigh.

"Um..." I began saying, but a warm hand stalled my words on my tongue when I felt it press against my left cheek and gently tilt my head up. I knew what he was looking at and honestly didn't like people staring, but I couldn't tell him to stop as he stepped closer. When his thumb began to rub softly right beneath my bad eye, I sighed again and finally allowed my gaze to meet his.

I can't believe I have to look up now...he was just a kid when I found him, but now he has at least an inch on me.

"I did this."

My head tilted against his hand a little, answering his words silently with the gesture. I hadn't seen him earlier, but now I was a bit surprised that he was just wearing normal torn jeans, a form-fitting black T-shirt, and a Steelers hat. I suppose he probably didn't want to be bothered after the show. Wait, why am I spacing out about what he's wearing?

"I-I need to get back home... It... was nice seeing you again," I stuttered out wearily. When he didn't respond, I slowly inched around him and grabbed the door handle. I'd unlocked it and was just pushing the handle down and pulling it back when I saw a hand come out of nowhere right near my face and shove the door shut. I assumed there was another on my blind side, but my attention was more focused on the hips and chest pressed against me for the second time that night.

"Tanner..." I whispered, honestly not sure what to do in this situation. I hadn't been expecting him to act this way. His nose began to rub against my left cheek, and I could easily hear his wolf's growl just beneath the surface without the loud music to cloud my senses.

"I did this," he whispered quietly against my skin.

"Yes. You did," I replied in a breathy sigh.

"That night..." he continued slowly.

"Yes..." I answered, pursing my lips at the memory. He leaned in closer after I'd spoken, pushing my body flush against the door with his own. I could feel the handle digging into my side, but that was the least of my concerns. My own wolf was trying to surface at the blatant challenge Tanner was posing, but two alphas changing in one hotel room? It would be disastrous.

"'ne...." he slurred, his mouth now too busy with my neck to speak properly.

"Huh? What...?" I growled, biting my lip to keep from full-on snarling.

"Mine," he said with a deep, authoritative tone as he removed his mouth from my skin to be able to speak clearly.

"I-I belong to no one. I am an alpha," I told him, my body now trembling as I tried to keep it under control.

"Beta," Tanner stated with finality. My wolf immediately snarled through my bared teeth at that. I was no beta.

"Get off, Tanner. You don't want to start a fight here."

My words were barely understandable because my mouth was already beginning to change.

"No fighting..." he agreed, surprising me a little. I was relieved at that until he finished speaking. "Mate."

Aaaaaand, my wolf was out.

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