- four

139 13 3

- con artist ; 4

"What do you mean they called you Samantha? Blair, who could this be?", Justin replied keeping his gaze on me intense from behind his large mahogany desk.

I quickly strung my fingers through my midnight-curls in frustration, "They called me Samantha, no one calls me that. It is not my name anymore. This person has to know me from the past."

The room fell silent between he and I. Although it was quiet enough to hear a pin drop, the silence was causing both Justin and I to be in thought for a moment about the situation.

"Well you have to be to your destination in about twenty minutes so I will let you go. I want you directly in the office after this 'meet up' and I mean right after." He spoke in a stern tone, causing my body to tingle slightly.

Acknowledging his demands, I shuffle to my feet softly. As I walked out his rather large office I could not help but think who exactly this unfamiliar person could be.


I did a quick time check with my Michael Kors watch, seeing it was 12:10. I was only a few minutes early appearing for this unplanned occasion, although I could care less about who this is trying to meet me. But my curiosity is driving me towards wanting to know the answer.

As I had turned on my heel to make my way towards my car, I spotted a figure out the corner of my eye. With a split second I turned around and attempted to analyze the persons features in the darkness.

"I see you have come." The male voice spoke in a bit of a cocky, hysterical approach. "Who the hell are you and how do you know me?" I spat out quickly as I flick my pocket knife out.

"Let's put it this way. Do you know me? No. Will you ever forget who i am or my name by the end of this night? No." These words the mystery person spoke bounced off the walls of my head, spiraling around and causing a mischief in me.

My behavior became impatient and my tone escalated due to me being irritated, "Who are you I asked god dammnit?" I spoke.

"Oh Samantha, That is right you never knew." The voice became more playful as quickly as it grew dark and cold.

"It's Alexander, Alexander Andrews. I'm showing up at this moment in time to make your life a living hell. Nothing more, nothing less. But don't worry little sis, hell will be exactly what it is."

con artist (justin bieber fanfic)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant