Chapter Seven: A Twist in the Plot

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AN: if you haven't read the Tenoru Island arc I warn you of spoilers. Be Warned!

Okay thanks to...

Kate13_ and lovesick863

For voting on every chapter of this story so far and commenting on some. So for that I dedicate this chapter to the 2 of you. Hope you enjoy!

Wendy's POV

"Erza-san!" I yelled, bursting into our room.

"Wendy?" She stood up, shocked. "What's wrong?"

"Erza," I panted. "you have to see this." I handed her the lacrima.

"What am I looking at?" Erza asked.

"Look!" I said, pointing at the lacrima's screen. "The tested and control blood..."

"Yes?" Asked Erza.

"They're a 97% match."

"WHAT!?" Yelled Levy, as she stood, panting in the door.

Third Person Omniscient POV

"97% percent match?" Erza questioned.

"When we tested Levy's blood-" Wendy began.

"We set Wendy's as a control. So it compared mine to hers." Finished Levy as she sat down on one of the beds, curling into a ball as she did.

"Wait!" Erza's eyes grew as wide as saucers. "You mean you two are..."

"Sisters." They finished. "Or at least we think so."

"97 is too close to be anything other than that." Wendy said. "I've never seen a number that high before, even testing Gildartz and Cana, a parent and child relation, scored an even 50%."

"I see." Said Erza. "With each generation, the blood dilutes more and more from the gene shuffling that occurs when someone has a kid!"

"Right!" Said Wendy. "No one is an exact copy of their parents. The genes get mixed up, and..."

"Since our blood is so similar we must have come from the same batch of genes, or the same mother and father." Levy concluded, still curled in her ball.

Silence permeated the small room.

"I have a sister!" Wendy cried as the crux of the matter finally set in. She ran and jumped on Levy's curled form.

Levy gladly accepted the small dragon with open arms. As she pulled Wendy closer, silent tears cascaded down her cheeks.

Always... Whispered a voice in the back of her mind.

And the two bluenettes fell asleep, still curled in each others arms.

Erza's POV

As I watched the two bluenettes sleep, I couldn't help but look at their similar features.

'One' I began my mental list. 'Obviously, the blue hair- a very rare trait considering I've only ever seen four people with it, two of which are sleeping within a few feet of me.

'Two' I continued mentally 'stature- Levy's definitely short. Wendy is still young, but she's shorter than other girls her age.'

'Three' I blushed 'umm err- smallness in other areas.'

Levy's head rolled slightly to the side, and I noticed another similarity.

'Hmm, four' I thought. 'When Levy's headband is gone her bangs look like Wendy's. One larger in the middle, and two smaller ones on either side.'

"Five," I finished aloud. "Brown eyes."

Having finished my list, I sat back against my headboard. Doubts still plagued my mind, even through all the similarities. It's hard to believe.

Then suddenly I remembered.

The thing only Levy and Wendy could master, the thing that made even the great Titania shiver.


I curled under my blankets, and wished for a dreamless sleep, with no doubt left in my mind.

AN: Mwaa-Mwaahahahahaha!!!!!!!!!
Yes, be shocked! And cringe in fear! This is my true form!

Anybody know what episode that's from? I'll send you mental cookies! Just comment your answer and favorite flavor and expect arrival of mental cookies within an hour! You can comment for other reasons too.

As always...

Thanks for Reading,


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