In for a big surprise

Start from the beginning


"Are you sure about this?" He asked.

"Yes. Now strip," I ordered.

He sighed, and we both started stripping off our clothes until we stood in front of each other naked. He looked at me, and his brows furrowed.


"When's the last time you ate?"

"I'm standing in front of you naked, and you are asking me when is the last time I ate?"

"Malia, you look like you lost weight."

I sighed. "I ate before I came over here." He gave me a look, and I said, "You can call my parents if you want."

"I will."

"Now, let's get back to the matter at hand," I said and noticed something was rising. "Well, um, that's."

"Yeah," he said, quickly putting back on his clothes as I did the same. I've never seen a guy turn as red as he did at that moment.

Most of the afternoon spent not talking more like trying to avoid the whole nakedness from earlier. We both didn't know what to say except the fact; we were, how shall I put it, feeling some heat down below.

As soon as my dad pulled up, I quickly left. I think it was best, so we could both cool down before we did anything we weren't ready for yet.

The next day proved to be futile with our attempts to keep our hands to ourselves. We were hanging out in Luka's bedroom, reading some comics when I felt his hand lay upon my thigh.

Trying to ignore it was a little hard as he started gently rubbing my thigh. I looked at him, and he looked at me, and the next thing I knew, we were going at it like two wild animals.

I pulled his shirt off, revealing his eight pack. Damn. He quickly removed my shirt as we continued to kiss, leaving him shirtless and me in just my bra. Our tongues swirled around each other as he moved his hand to the button of my pants and undid them.

Before I knew it, he slid his hand down my under my pants and panties, making his way between my legs. Then he started rubbing. My breathing increased as did his as he began to slow and slightly to increase the pace. I couldn't help but move with his hand. Okay, this felt amazing.

As we continued our make-out session, he inserted a finger while rubbing me with his thumb causing me to moan against his lips. He pulled back and smirked while I propped myself up a bit, enjoying this obscene pleasure I was feeling. He leaned in and whispered, "You like that?"

"Mmmm." I had no words as he continued before I gasped, letting out a groan as my body shook from the intense pleasure I just felt by his hand. I fell back onto his bed, trying to catch my breath, and he pulled his hand out. Before I knew it, he gave me a gentle kiss on the lips.

I opened my eyes and looked at him, "Are you sure you never did this before with a girl?"


"Are you sure?"

"I think I would know if I did this before," he smirked.


"I take it you approve?"

"More than you know," I grinned, and he chuckled. He leaned back and laid on the bed, pulling me onto his chest.



"I want our first time to be special."

I propped myself up to look at him as he continued, "I want it just you and me. Away from this town and away from everyone we know. I want this completely private."

"How do we manage that? Especially since we are only seventeen."

"We'll find some way. But I'm serious. Whatever happens between us, stays between us. I don't discuss personal stuff like this with anyone. It's none of their business."

He was serious. I couldn't blame him for keeping this private. Too many people nowadays talk too much, and I prefer it that way.

"Luka, I promise. I won't say anything."

He pulled me into another kiss, but this time we just kissed - baby steps.

I kept my word. I never spoke about what went on with Luka and me privately. He had a right to his privacy, and I respected that. It wasn't until Cheryl, and her minions walked up to me.

I stood there as she ran her mouth about stuff that supposedly happened between her and Luka. Most girls would get upset and yell at the guy, but I trusted Luka. I just stood there as she ran her mouth, looking at my watch, wondering when she would be through with her lies.

"Aren't you even listening to me?" She asked with a snarky tone.

I gave her a look as a deep voice said, "No, but I am."

They turned to see a furious Luka standing behind them. I think I saw them wet themselves a bit. Luka walked towards Cheryl backing her against the locker, "I would advise you to keep that pie hole you call a mouth shut since it's better suited for sucking dick, which you have done to half the guys in this school. Now, I'm going to warn you once. Stay the fuck away from my girlfriend and me."

With that, they quickly bolted away from him. He walked over to me, "Was that necessary?"

"Probably not, but it was so worth it to see their expressions. By the way, thanks for not jumping my ass."

"Why because Cheryl is living in some stupid fantasy world?"

"Yeah. Most girls jump before even finding out the truth," he sighed.

I walked over and threw an arm around his neck, "That's because I'm not most girls. I'm Malia from Detroit." He laughed as I kissed him and he wrapped an arm around me, lifting me off my feet.

He set me down, and we headed to class. An angry Luka is not a fun Luka, which is why I am keeping my promise to him. No one needs to know what we do, and personally, that's fine with me.

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