You're getting it

Start from the beginning

"You're doing good" the agent said.

He smiled as they continued the training. Its time for sam to learn the defense techniques, the agent disagreed to sam's plan that he'll pour tons of punches to him until he got the right defense, but the agent refused.

At first he teached sam with sam basic techniques in defense' blocks, arm shields and dodges were easy for sam. The agent tried sam and he get all of that smoothly.

"You're easy to work with, you're fast" the agent applauded.

" I dont want someone to get disappointed johnny bravo" he chuckled.

After the training, the agent brought sam to run some test. The doctor was very shocked about his vitals as he run to the threadmill, "he's faster than steve" the doctor said. Sam is 80% ready in just few days and it's the first time in the history of Crossbreed training, they were testing everything and found out sam will take few miles of run before getting tired, he got this stealthy skills and work fast, but his punches and kicks is not that strong yet.

"This is amazing!" The doctor cheered and made sam uneasy.


"About your test results, its like you've been trained for long time in running and you developed this stealth skills but you need to train your offenses Mr. rogers before you go training to the weaponry" the agent said.

Sam chuckled as he changed from the lab gown to his jumpsuit, the agent treats him a snack for the day after doing a nearly perfect training for just a several hours in a day, the agent was all shocked as he stare at the hungry sam eating tons of foods infront of him.

"Do you even get fat?" The agent said after eating the tofu.


"Do you do that always?"

"In the house or somewhere until here? Yes" he said grabbing a piece of bread,"lets eat first johnny bravo before you hotseat me ok?"

The agent chuckled as they continued eating the snack that merely looks like a dinner for sam. The blonde guy leaves sam in the cafeteria after he got a call to his earpiece, sam just waved and continued his cake.

He's really that hungry after the training and went full after his snacks, he stood up and decided to roam around the ship.

Sam realized his dad did a great work, every part of the ship is state of the art. But he avoid smiling alone as he felt proud of his father, he pass through the port and saw dane waving at him, he waved back and dane leaved his comrades and jog towards him.

"Hey how are you? I heard your training is going great" dane smiled.

"Im fine dane, thanks about that" sam chuckled.

"Are you lost or something?"

"Nope, just roaming around after the training"

"Oh well, enjoy the tour, i'll get back to work" dane smiled amd went back.

Sam decided to go back to his room and take a shower, his bruises around his arms and back surprised him when he stare his self to the mirror, he sighed after filling the tub with luke warm water to relax  his muscles.

It was time for him to eat dinner but he felt really tired and decided to rest on the bed, his room is very lonely, but he'll get used to it.

Steve rest his chin to his fist leaning on the back rest of the captain chair as they stopped warping, they were just in the galaxy with tons of asteroids and space debri orbiting the star.

"Captain we have a problem, the light speed boosters were warming back up, it will took 3 hours for it and theres a bunch of asteroids approaching our west section of the starship and a planet size asteroid in front of us" tash stated.

"Mike, activate the force field shield, lee beam up that planet sized asteroid with molecular canon"

"Captain, if we crash that giant asteroid the debris might crush to us, it will just multiply their counts with the approaching rocks in the west sector" lee stated.

"John, release the drones with canons"

"Yes sir"

"Tash help lee with the beam, mike, put another layer of shield"

The starship shakes as the west sector of the starship has been bumped by the space rocks, lee and tash beamed the molecular canon to the planet sized asteroid and it went well, the drone flew to crash the chunks and debris of the asteroid until the way was clear.

The whole ship turned down to dodge some rocks, "state the percentage of the shield" steve said.

"70% sir"

"How about the light speed boosters?"

"We are in 40 percent"

"Can you scan for worm holes around?"

"There's nothing sir"

"Ok lets go down until the perimeter is clear from rocks"

They went down the orbits and found a spot where all the weapons, energy, drones and shield can recharge safely.

The crew felt relieved as they all settled down, steve sighed as the ship found a safe spot under the orbiting asteroids.


Tash went to captain's deck as they received the results of sam, the two was just happy from the test results of him.

"He might be ready" tash stated.

"He still got weaponry tests before we give him the mission that his dad told him"

"He'll be ready soon captain" tash saluted as she left steve with the test results.

"He'll be ready" he said over his mind as he smiled a bit looking to the endless sight of space.

When everything is in full charge, steve decided to go back to the earth station to wait for any mission and also upgrade some sort of parts of the ship, they warp out and a few hours they arrived in the system.

The pressure to the walls as they entered the earth's atmosphere shakes the whole mother ship and parked right on the starship port.

The sun shines through the captain's deck as the ship was resting on the port, they were not permitted to go out the ship as they still wait for the mission, except for the captain and some crews that will help the upgrade of the ship.

Steve pass by to sam's room and didnt disturb the guy who was sleeping tightly, he decided not to go out from the ship that the upgrade will just take few hours to finish and the mission will arrive.

He settled on his bed as he felt a bit tired from everything, he glances to his window as the glass blind itself to avoid too much sun exposure then he fall asleep.


There were new warships and drones inside the port and the detachable mother warship, the starship is holding two Detachable warship that can contain 15,000 agents and soldiers inside with tons of drones, starship is holding three molecular canon and two Molecular beam that is good for banishing planets or any heavenly bodies in the outer space.

The ship can absorb any forms of energies around the space just to recharge everything, the Zeus-1 is the greatest and only ship of the company that can travel lightyears and discover new planets and life forms.

The failed trainees sent out from the starship and another set of last trainees were being inside, also the injured agents and soldiers were being sent to the hospital for their sake.

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