The Breaking Point...(Imagine 6)

Start from the beginning

She nodded and scrambled off as I blinked away hot tears. Thankfully Marshall's sorry ass appeared and I finally was going to get some help. "What's up?"

"I just need some help please with dinner, it's too much for me to do by myself".

"It all looks fine".


"I'm tryna finish my game can't this wait?"

"Are you 12?" I spat, crossing my arms over my chest. "Just help me please, I'm not asking too much" I begged.

"Alright alright" Marshall stepped into the kitchen and looked at the food. "Yo what's this? I thought we were having nachos, you know I don't like all this boring healthy shit".

I felt my eye fucking twitch as his words finally made me snap and feel the anger that had been ready to be unleashed. I spun around so fast I almost gave myself whiplash and I could see the slight panic in Marshall's eyes as he knew he done fucked right up. "Are you fucking serious?" I seethed.

"Yo chill out my boys are over".

"I don't care! I hope they can hear me!" I raised my voice, waving my arms around like a madwoman. "How dare you say that when I've spent the last two hours making this dinner for you and all your buddies, and spent the last two days making sure that our house is clean while you sit on your ass playing video games like a fucking preteen so you don't have to worry about anything!"

"Look I didn't think you would be mad about it-"

"Well I am!" I stomped over to the oven and pulled out the chicken before it over cooked as angry tears ran down my face. "Y'all don't appreciate shit!" I threw the ovenmits at his chest, his baffled face annoying me even more, and stormed out of the kitchen and up the stairs to our bedroom. "Make your own fucking dinner!"

After my outburst I'd been left to my own devices for god knows how long, Marshall hadn't dared to come up and see me. Which was wise-I would've just continued to cuss him out probably. But after having a good cry in my immaculately clean shower and time to relax alone, without the noise of crying kids and annoying partners I'd finally calmed down. I might not blow up at Marshall again but I was still upset that all of my hard work was being ignored and then Marshall had the audacity to criticise me. I sighed and looked up from my magazine to the alarm clock as I heard the sounds of Marshall finally letting the guys out. It was eleven o'clock which meant the girls were long asleep and it was quiet again in the house. I pretended to read my magazine as I heard the staircase creak and out of the corner of my eye I saw Marshall open the bedroom door. The air was tense as he tried to evaluate my mood and I said nothing to him, not even looking up. Once he realised I wasn't as livid as before he let out a quiet sigh of relief and moved into the wardrobe to get ready for bed. I rolled my eyes to myself and put my magazine away, switching off the lights and curling into my side of the bed. I lay there for at least 20 minutes before I heard to sound of the tap switch off and Marshall shuffle into the bedroom. His footsteps stopped and he sighed loudly as he saw I was "asleep".

"Cass". I said nothing. He huffed and I heard the sound of his jewellery on the bed side table and the bed dip as he crawled in. "Cass I know you're not asleep". He peered over at me as he tried to hug my body to his.

I wriggled out of his grip, "I'm not pretending to be".

"Let's talk baby, I hate going to sleep when we've fought".

"Well you should have thought about that before you decided you didn't like the dinner I'd worked hard to make for you".


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⏰ Last updated: Nov 28, 2017 ⏰

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