To See You With Her (Jughead x Reader)

Start from the beginning

Jughead approached you with the same charm he always did. "Long time, no see, (Y/N)," he stammered. He seemed nervous. Was he really that unwilling to be around you?

You gave a small smile. "Yeah. Sorry you couldn't be with Betty, I know you guys are close."

Jughead looked confused. "We're close too, (Y/N). I've missed you anyways. I hang out with Betty enough after school." I know that, you thought.

Oh well, it was one assignment, and then you could go back to your torturous system. You could make it through three project sessions with Jughead Jones. You really could.

You and Jughead had been typing out sections to add to the trifold in your living room. He'd originally started the project session eager to catch up, but you dodged his questions any chance he gotten. You didn't have much to say, anyways. There wasn't much you did these days, without him. Eventually he'd given up, and you silently agreed to let things alone.

"Oh, shit!" Jughead said. He'd reached over to the textbook and accidentally tipped over the glass of soda on your table-side, spilling it all over your front.

"Oh, jeez," you said, grabbing napkins and desperately trying to dab up the stain.

"I'm so sorry," Jughead said earnestly, helping wipe up the soda on the table. "I'm such a klutz today."

You stood, assessing the situation.

"Looks like your shirt is fine," Jughead commented. "Just your cardigan. Come on, I can throw it in the wash for you." From your years as friends, Jughead had become accustomed to your home and used the facilities as if they were his own. Working your laundry was no new experience to him.

"Oh, no, that's okay," you protested.

"I insist, it's way too sticky to wear," Jughead said, grabbing you and shrugging the cardigan off your shoulders. At his touch, you stiffened, heart racing. Curse hormones.

Jughead gaze shifted from the stained cardigan to you. You stood, frozen in the center of the living room. Your upper half clad in only a tee shirt, your self-harm scars, most recent ones bandaged, were on display for the whole world to see, including Jughead.

"Oh my God," Jughead breathed.

You didn't know what to say. You wished you could sink into the carpet like that soda stain.

"How long has this been going on?" He said quietly.

You shrugged, looking down.

Jughead's voice shook. "...why, (Y/N)?"

You shrugged again.

He grabbed your hands, staring frantically into your eyes. "Let me help you, (Y/N), please!"

Your gaze snapped up to his. "Why do you care?" Your tone was cold, harsh from the pain you felt.

Jughead reeled back, surprised at your outburst. "Of course I care, (Y/N)! We're best friends!"

You laughed sarcastically. "Some best friend you are. You've been avoiding me for two months."

"I've just been really busy with Betty and–"

Against your own will, tears began to leak from your eyes. "Do you know how it feels, Jughead?"

"How what feels?" He stepped closer to you, and you took a step back.

"To see you with her," you forced out between hyperventilation. "I... I see you with the most perfect girl in the world and it makes me feel like nothing, Jughead," you cried out. "I just want to be like Betty but I can't so this is all I can do to feel okay."

"No..." Jughead said. "No, (Y/N)."

"Just go away!" You said. "Stop pretending to like me!" You were about to walk away when he grabbed your wrists.

"I'm not pretending, (Y/N)!" Jughead yelled. You gasped at his force. Jughead was always the gentle one, never one to raise his voice.

"What?" You whispered, voice small.

"I love you, (Y/N), not Betty" Jughead insisted. "I never wanted it to mess up our friendship, so I've been hanging out with Betty to distract me." He started to tear up as well. "I never wanted it to lead to this...."

Your disbelief must have showed on your face, because he grabbed your hands. "You don't have to forgive me. You don't even have to stay friends with me. But let me help you. Just this once."

You knew, no matter what, you'd never be able to say no to Jughead Jones. "Okay."

He cleaned up the spill, putting away your work on the trifold for a later time. He instructed you to go up to your room and change, which you did.

He later came upstairs holding popcorn and mugs of hot chocolate. He plugged his laptop into the TV to put on one of your favorite movies to watch together. He laid in bed with you, his arm around you as you two watched the movie. You were too shaken up from the situation to enjoy it, but he still smiled at you, making his usual criticisms of popular culture. Even in your sadness you couldn't help but mutter back responses, making jibes at his classic favorites.

After the movie, you'd noticed a growing darkness outside of the window. Jughead cleaned up the food, sitting back on the bed with you and asking to see your arms again.

"Why?" You asked, afraid.

"Trust me," he said with a sad smile.

He took your arms, and for each scar, he pressed his lips to it, and said one reason he thought you were the most perfect girl in the world. They ranged in significance from "the color of your eyes" to "because you like horrible movies" to "you're always there for me". You couldn't help but start crying.

"I never knew you felt this way," you whispered in a broken voice.

His expression fell. "...I know, (Y/N). I was selfish. I never told you these things, because I didn't want to get hurt if you didn't feel the same way. I never knew not telling you could hurt you even more, to the point of physical pain. It scares me to think that worse could have happened." A tear slipped from his eye. "I... I never want to take the chance again of going a day without making you feel wanted.

Your expression dimmed, thinking of the future. "I don't know if I can stop, Jug... it's like an addiction."

He nodded. "I know. But from now on, I'm going to be with you every step of the way."

From the next day on, things really were different.

Jughead picked you up every day to walk to school together, like old times. You worked on your tri-fold during free periods, leaving lunch time to hang out together or go on walks. After school, he'd come over every day and watch at least one movie with you, followed by his ritual with your arms.

Things still hurt at first. They really did. You had trouble believing Jughead and not thinking this was some sort of charity case. At times, you'd break down, unsure of what to believe. Thinking he'd go back to Betty at any moment. But all those times, Jughead was there to reassure you with all the patience in the world. And over your days and nights together, you grew to love Jughead again, and to love yourself, little by little.

And somehow, things got better.

They really did.

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