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          John was alone in the black room of darkness, the same one he's seen since he was 7. He felt a presence as if someone was watching him. He heard footsteps on the solid black floor of the room getting closer to him every passing second. John did not move nor did he make a sound as he was too frightened to do either. The footsteps got louder by the second, John could feel his palms start to sweat. He could see a shadow in the eerie darkness. It was too dark for John to see what it was. Slowly but surely the closer it got the more John could see it. He started to see some sort of legs all around the creatures body as if it were some sort of giant insect. As it got closer he could see some sort of alien shaped head and deformed hands. Suddenly the black shadow disappeared from the creature as it was close enough for John to see. The face and body were a mix of gray and green and there was some sort of slime dripping from its face. The creature stopped moving as it was right infront of John's face. "It's finally time" the creature said in an eerie deep voice. The creature pulled out a sword from thin air that seemed to have green alien slime on the sharp tip. John could see his reflection in the metal part of the creatures sword as it slowly moved the sword to John's neck. John's heart was racing faster than ever although he still couldn't move as he was paralyzed of fear. Rhe aliens sword moved closer to John's neck and he couldn't do anything about it. "Wake up" John could hear a feminin soft voice although he didn't know where it was coming from. "John!" the voice screamed at him waking him up from his terrible nightmare.

John opened his eyes in fear to reveal his best friend Kate in his room, He felt like his heart was going to explode until he realized he was back in the real world again. "Thank God you!re awake" said Kate in relief. "It happened aagin Katejust like every other night" John replied to her in a tired yet still frightened voice. John was very hot and drenched in sweat as if he's been under 100 degree heat all night. "I swear" he continued to speak "it's some kind of evil spirit out to get me". "I believe you John I really do" Kate said to him "but who would want to come after you?". "I'm not sure" John replied "but it has to be someone". John looked at his digital clock, the time read 8:03 am. "Oh no!" he exclaimed "we're late for school!" John quickly got out of bed. "I know" Kate replied rolling her eyes "that's why I've been trying to wake you up". John ran iver to his closet quickly tossing on a white T-Shirt and the jeans he wore yesterday. "Well" Kate put her backpack she had on a few minutes ago back onto her body "I'll be outside tell me when you're ready to walk" she began to walk outside of John's room closing his door on the way out. John nodded then quickly ran downstairs after her not bothering with brushing his teeth or washing his face. He ran over to his blue and green backpack in his living room putting it on then looking at Kate that's right infront of the door watching him. "Okay lets go!" he said then running over to Kate watching her open the front door". They both rushed out closing the door behind them as they left.

"It's cold out here" John said starting to walk onto the sidewalk with Kate. She replied "Well it is the first day of winter after all" Kate laughed. "Yeah true" John laughed aswell trying to keep up with her as she was walking pretty fast. "Hey slow down" John said to her. "Well" she looked at him "you made us late for school, if you didn't I wouldn't walk so fast"; "True again" John replied looking at Kate who was a foot ahead of him now. While they were walking John kept replaying the dream in his head, the same dream he's been getting for 6 years. He's dreamt it so much that he can remember everything perfectly. He thought about why he's been having the same nightmare every night for 6 years and who that weird alien that's trying to kill him is. The kids at school think he's saying it just to make him seem interesting and that he's delusional, but he isn't telling lies he's telling the truth. The only one that believes him is Kate and she's actually concerned about it.

          After a while of them walking and John thinking about his reoccuring nightmare the two finally end up at the school. "We're finally here!" Kate said excitedly "now hurry we don't want to be late to first houe" she ran over to the front door of the school. John nodded and followed her to the front door. Kate pushed the door open as a gust of wind from the inside hit them. They both walked inside the building when a teacher walked up to them. "You two are late!" the teacher yelled at them. John and Kate were nervous, they looked at eachother then back up at the teacher. "U-uhm sorry" Kate said nervously. "Get to class!" the teacher continued to exclaim "if this happens again you two are getting detention!" "S-sorry Mrs. Hearttrail" John stuttered "it won't happen again". The two teens ran to their first hour class.

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