"O-Okay then." She gave me a weird look before shrugging her shoulders. She bowed her head before leaving.

Silence engulfed the room. Only the chewing sounds from our mouth echoed through every corner. The silence wasn't awkward, it was actually comforting. But the peaceful halcyon was stopped by the penguin girl beside me.

"Uhm, do you, by any chance, have ketchup?" Mina asked sheepishly, whilst fidgeting with her fingers.

A soft chuckle escaped my mouth. "Of course." I nodded my head and stood from where I was sitting.

I went to the kitchen counter and reached for the ketchup. Unfortunately, I couldn't reach it. I groaned in annoyance and continued trying. But the hand of someone else took it from the shelf instead. I moved my eyes to see who it was, and my guess was right. It was Mina.

"Oh gosh I could squish you! You're so small!" Mina burst in to laughter whilst holding her stomach as if it hurt from laughing too hard.

"Whatever." I rolled my eyes and returned to where I sat.

"Little cutie." She teased whilst pouring ketchup on her plate.

"Shut up." Scowling, I glared at her in annoyance.

"Okay okay, sheesh." She giggled. "Relax." With that, she continued digging on her food with a satisfied look on her face.


The rest of our time there was filled with insults thrown at each other. We did not stop bickering whilst eating. But none of us got angry. We both understood that it was only for fun, nothing personal.

We were now back at my room. Mina was sitting on a bean bag. She was deeply immersed on her phone. She's probably playing a game.

I, on the other hand, had my bottom resting at my bed. A drawing book could be found at my lap. I had nothing to do so I decided to sketch the doll face. After a few minutes, a loud sound could be heard from Mina's phone followed by a groan from the girl.

"And I almost had it!" Mina whined like a little kid. She stood up and threw her phone at the bean bag. Soon, she plopped down beside me. "What are you doing?"

"I'm drawing your ugly face, doll face." I smirked insultingly.

"Dummy. If I'm a doll face, then that means I'm beautiful." She retorted. "Wait, beautiful is an understatement, I'm gorgeous." She boasted with a grin plastered on her face. "Which means, your sentence is contradicting."

"As long as you're ugly, I don't care." I shot back. "Ms. Smarty-Pants."

"Whatever short stuff." She rolled her eyes. "Anyways, let me see." She shifted to my side and took a short peek. A small gasp escaped her mouth. "Woah. You're amazing!"

"Not really." I replied humbly. "I'm not that good."

"Are you kidding me? I can't even draw a stick figure!" She made a 'what the hell' gesture with her hands.

I giggled lightly. "Well, drawing's my hobby." I stirred my gaze to face her. "And I always draw whenever I'm bored. If not, then I'd be rapping."

She formed an 'O' with her mouth, indicating that she was astonished. "Ahhhh. I'm horrible at arts, but I can dance ballet." She shared. "Oh and I can sing, but I'm not that great."

"Sing for me! Sing for me! Sing for me!" I chanted repeatedly. I did an aegyo and she scrunched her nose in disgust.

"Stop that! Okay fine!" She sighed in defeat. "Just don't laugh at me okay?"

"I won't, I promise!" I beamed like a little kid, wait I am.

Mina took a deep breath before she began to sing.

 "You're hard to hug, tough to talk to

And I never fall asleep when you're in my bed

All you give me is a heartbeat

I've turned into a statue

And it makes me feel depressed

'Cause the only time you open up is when we get undressed"

She stopped for a moment and looked at me in the eyes. She smiled sheepishly before she continued to sing a song which was awfully familiar.

"You don't love me, big fucking deal

I'll never tell you how I feel

You don't love me, not a big deal

I'll never tell you how I feel"

My jaw slowly dropped. Her voice was angelic, it was addictive. Heck, I couldn't even stop myself from listening.

"It almost feels like a joke to play out a part

When you are not the starring role in someone else's heart

You know I'd rather walk alone than play a supporting role

If I can't get the starring role"

She finally finished singing. A few minutes had probably passed because I felt her nudging me nonstop. I escaped from my trance and faced the girl in front of me. I clapped like a seal and gave her a thumbs up.

"Woah! You're amazing!" I cheered happily. "The song seems familiar though..." I was in a deep thought but I gave up anyway. 

"I'm not, really!" Mina shook her head in disbelief. "You don't need to remember." She chuckled lightly.

"But why'd you choose that song?" I shifted my head to face her. "Do your relate to the lyrics or something?" I asked curiously.

"Yeah I do." She replied.

"Really? Who's the person?" I wriggled my brows, trying my best to make her spill everything.

"Oh, you know her." A goofy grin crept on her lips.


"Secret." She smirked before mumbling something. "You can be so numb sometimes."

"What did you say?" I raised my right eyebrow.

"Nothing, let's go to bed." She smiled cheekily before plopping down.

"Whatever." I rolled my eyes before positioning myself as well.  

"Good Night flirt."

"You too, doll face." 


I'm very sorry if this is super late. I had a fever for two days so I wasn't able to update. But as always, vote, comment, and thanks for reading!

Bad at Love | MiChaengحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن