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Chapter 1: Rise and shine

I woke up to an unbearable feeling aching in my chest. My heart quickened and I lost my control. A massive headache worsened everything. A scream immediately escaped my dry lips. I started to rapidly claw at my chest as though my skin wasn't my own. A voice kept whispering in my head. 'out. Get me out. Now!!' I thought I might be going insane. I writhed in agony still clawing.

It wasn't long before my dad burst through my door with my older brother Leary.

"What's wrong with her?" he questioned our dad as they both strolled towards me.

" I don't know but get your cell out and call the ambulance, now!" dad shouted. Leary grabbed his cell quickly punching in 911.

"Aries, sweetie, I need you to take a deep breath and calm down," dad tried to allayed me. I nodded my head once taking in a shaky breath then forced my hands to my side.

It was hard to keep even a little bit calm but I had to try. My older brother came toward me his facial expression mirrored our dads. Their dark chocolate faces creased with worry and bewilderment.

I let out another quivering breath when I heard the sirens.

"Hold on Aries," I heard Leary voice crack.

"I....I can't." I breathed

"Don't you freaking close your eyes on us!" he added hysterically.

Sirens blared outside of my house. I saw dad sprint to the front door. Okay the ambulance is here I'll be fine I thought. I closed my wary eyes almost immediately drifting off.

Beep.....beep......beep. I silently groaned. My body felt extra sensitive. In an instant I remembered everything that happened this morning. Am I in the hospital? Duh Aries. I thought knowing the answer.

I tried to open my eyes but they were glued shut. I breathed waiting several minutes then attempted again. Thankfully my eyes fluttered open though it took longer for them to adjust to the moonlit hospital room. I could barely make out Leary and my Dad's figure in the dark.

"Dad, Leary?" I said my raspy voice barely audible. Still dads head shot up then my brother's. Dad quickly joins me at my bed while Leary shuffled to find the light switch.

Light filtered the small ER. Leary came back and stood beside dad. He scooped my puny hand in his larger one squeezing tightly. I observed them both and saw eyes red and puffy. Neither the two holding the glow I became used to. The pair looked one-hundred years older. I could tell they were crying. Over me. Feeling horrible I wanted to cry. I knew it would just make matters worst so i blinked the impending tears away.

Minutes of silence passed by. No one knew what to say. Soon doctors crammed into the small room. The doctors told them to leave. Leary squeezed my hand in comfort. I returned it. They took my blood pressure, vitals and many other things. It seemed to take hours. Finally they were finished and left. As soon as they were gone my brother and dad came in.

"The doctors says you'll be good as new by tomorrow. Baby girl We're going home but we'll be back tomorrow morning to get you. Will you be alright till then?" my dad inquired. I saw he was ready for me to tell him to stay which I was about to do but I took one look at my family again. I couldn't bring myself to do that to them. I caused enough trouble with my mini freakout. They both look awfully tired and I knew they needed rest. I at least owed them that. I can spend a night in here by myself.

Sighing I said "Go. I'll be fine." my dad looked doubtful though to exhausted to protest and so was Leary. They kiss me on my forehead.

"Love you" we all say in unison. I smiled loving how we always do that without thinking.

I didn't know why but for the first time I was terrified of the darkness that engulfed me. I've never paid attention to the stories parents say about the things that creep in the shadows at night. But tonight was different. I thought someone was watching me. Something told me that I should've called a doctor or my dad and brother back. Instead I brushed it off assuming it was just me and a silly fear. Still deep inside I knew something was very wrong.

I stared a hole into the stained ceiling wishing I could be home or that I could at least sleep. Despite me reassuring myself I couldn't close my eyes more than five minutes. Desperate for some rest I forced my eyes shut. Making myself relax I sang a lullaby that both my dads sang to me when I was a child.

Close your eyes

Dream tonight

Of that fire in you

Let it go

Watch as you burn

brighter than a million stars

Close your eyes

Dream tonight

Baby girl know that

We're dreaming with you

Now i drifted off while bitter sweet memories swam in my mind.

Bam! The hospital window burst sprinkling tiny glass shards over my sore body. Some sliced through my skin. Blood trickle down my arms. Struggling to sit up straight a thin but firm hand clasp over my mouth.

A raspy male voice ordered "Don't scream."

I nodded my head vigorously. His head turned to the door as heavy footsteps tramped towards my room. That was his first mistake. Painfully bringing my leg up I kicked him in the head. His hand loosened but didn't loose it's strong hold against my mouth. He swore rubbing his head. I frantically scanned the small ER for any type of weapon. The IV stand! I rejoiced in my head. Swiftly scooping it in my hands I turned the bottom part and jabbed him roughly in his abdomen.

The man doubled over with a moan. Scattering to my feet I ran for the door. Glass sliced my feet causing me to wince.

"Help!" I whaled

Inches from the door I reached my hand out to turn the knob. A hairy arm goes around my tiny neck yanking me back in a choke hold. I flailed and bashed under the man.

"Keep still or I'll hurt you!" he threatened

I didn't stop. I couldn't let this man take me and where we're the security guards! I heard them just a few minutes ago. I strained to hear if they were nearby but the hospital was eerily silent. I screamed under the man as tears spattered my cheeks. I was going to die. I bawled harder.

A miniature prick stung the back of my neck. My eyelids began to feel heavy. My limbs were now liquid. I couldn't move if I wanted to. Black spots appeared in my peripheral vision.

"Please." I slurred

He awkwardly patted my head to sooth me "Sleep."

I fended off the pull to slumber as long i could. But eventually I lost the battle. Ready to rest and giving up on all hope. The darkness consumed me with the memory of both my dads singing me the sweet lullaby.

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A/N:So yeah I'm rewriting Solace. I wasn't happy with it at all. I realized I wrote just to write. But I do love the first chapter so I kept it and added things. I even proofread! Ugh but it took forevss!!! hope you like this better than the last. Vote or comment! (lol I knows the song sucks but that's the best I cld do!)

~Je t'aime,

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