I'm Actually Really Tired

43 3 14

When you're cleaning your room and hear you phone randomly play Welcome To The World Of The Plastic Beach by Gorillaz

Aka the song where Snoop Dogg just dances in a pirate costume with a top hat and a telescope

I drew art yesterday

Let's try some fun facts

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Let's try some fun facts

fun fact 1# of the day: I call any song by Logic, Niall Horan, or Taylor Swift a 🅱op sometimes.

Fun fact 2#: My gay af brother (not an insult. He's actually the gayest person alive. Like...he calls himself that)  fucking screamed when he heard a station play Rose-Coloured Boy play today.

Fun Fact 3#: My brother also accidently commented on a Fall Out Boy song as
"Ew" and I slapped him

I'm now fiNalLY watching the VMAS and when I heard the TV say "Pete Wentz", I screamed "fUck"
Then I see DJ khaled and fucking mentally kick my face because i fuCking scReaMed "anotHeR OnE" witHOUt TryInG



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*c o u g h*

Note: I'm not editing this shit to make it perfect

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 18, 2017 ⏰

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